I meant it as any trade is fine, including say trade an '08 player for an '10 player...
but as some people want future year trading as others don't, I will take a quick poll on this to appease the masses. I want to keep this as civil as possible. I understand both sides, side 1:much easier to keep track on if it's one season only and side 2: help deal from a strong year to shore up a weak year.
In case of a tie my inital ruling will stand and it will be a yes. Voting will end by 5pm PST tomorrow.
Simple, allow trading players across years (i.e. an '08 player for an '10 player) yes or no?
1. WJS6768 2. Paul_Long71 3. THE SPLINTER 4. CATom 5. Zim 6. jodynadu 7. keyzick 8. Michael G 9. Dr. Publix 10. geekor - not voting. 11. oldhat2 12. mk_reds_fan
Here's another question. Do we use the stadiums from one of our five teams? And can we switch stadiums on a yearly basis provided we stay within our 5 drafted teams?
Round 1 1. WJS6768 - New York Yankees - Hitting 2. Paul_Long71 - Boston - Hitting 3. THE SPLINTER - Mil Brewers Hitting 4. CATom - Atlanta Braves Pitching 5. Zim - St. Louis - Hitting 6. jodynadu - SF Pitching 7. keyzick - Texas Hitting 8. Michael G - DET Hitting 9. Dr. Publix- Philadelphia hitting 10. geekor - Colorado hitting 11. oldhat2 - Mets hitting 12. mk_reds_fan - Tampa Bay hitting
Round 2 13. mk_reds_fan - LA Dodgers pitching 14. oldhat2 - Red Sox pitching 15. geekor - Cinci hitting 16. Dr. Publix- Toronto pitching 17. Michael G - Detroit pitching (proxy) 18. keyzick - Philadelphia pitching 19. jodynadu - Minnesota hitting 20. Zim - Fla/Mia hitting 21. CATom - Atlanta hitting 22. THE SPLINTER - LA Angels hitting 23. Paul_Long71 - Oak pitching 24. WJS6768 - NY Yankees pitching
Round 3 25. WJS6768 - St Louis Pitching 26. Paul_Long71 - Arizona Pitching 27. THE SPLINTER - FLA/MIA Pitching 28. CATom - TOR Hitting 29. Zim - SD Pitching 30. jodynadu - TB Pitching 31. keyzick - LA Dodger hitting 32.Michael G - WASH Hitting 33. Dr. Publix- Arizona Hitting 34. geekor - Texas Pitching 35. oldhat2 - White Sox hitting 36. mk_reds_fan - Cleveland hitting
Round 4 37. mk_reds_fan - Seattle pitching 38. oldhat2 - Chicago Cubs hitting 39. geekor - LA Angels Pitching 40. Dr. Publix- New York Mets pitching 41. Michael G - San Francisco hitting (proxy) 42. keyzick - Chicago Cubs pitching 43. jodynadu - San Diego hitting 44. Zim - Baltimore hitting. 45. CATom - Chicago White Sox Pitching 46. THE SPLINTER - HOU Hitting 47. Paul_Long71 - Pit hitting 48. WJS6768 - Oakland hitting