Ratings are done now that we passed the 81 game mark. There are some big differentials this time around, but it's really marked by how close the ratings are overall.
There are two outliers at the top and at the bottom, six teams that are super close and two that the ratings would expect to be also-rans. We'll get to that in a minute
In terms of how the divisions shape up, the West has the best overall rating, but it's not an extreme difference. It is also the best offensive team and the wortst pitching. The Central is the best on P+F, but the East isn't far behind. The East has actually better pitchers, but the D in the East leaves somthing to be desired.
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Team... O... P... F.. P+F. Ovrl Div
SemperG 7856 4966 295 5261 2639 C
JoeTJet 7885 4911 497 5408 2552 C
Jeep... 7492 4451 651 5102 2442 E
Millerm 8363 5056 947 6003 2430 W
KLX.... 8111 5110 659 5768 2396 E
Stoney. 7838 4941 613 5553 2345 W
BigAlrc 8000 5335 386 5721 2339 W
Spider. 7757 4867 605 5472 2326 W
hawk... 7306 4696 387 5082 2270 C
Randal. 7290 4589 532 5121 2244 E
stevep. 7550 4723 866 5590 2031 E
Dale... 7162 5419 80 5499 1714 C
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Divi Offn Ptch Fld P+F Overall
East 7611 4718 677 5395 2278
Cent 7552 4998 314 5313 2294
West 7990 5050 638 5687 2360
Overall Ratings would expect the races to shape up like this:
East - Two race between Jeep and KLX. Randal and Steve at the bottom with Steve out of the race.
Central - Another two team race with the best two ratings (Semp, JTJ) in this division and two teams not so great. Dale is working with $5 mil less than everyone else so the bottom rating is expected.
West - All four teams tightly bunched with Miller having the best rating by enough to make them the favorite
WC - The loser of the Central would be expected to have the upper hand here especially with two weaker teams. However, the loser in the East would also have high expectations for the same reason. The West looks close enough to keep anyone from taking the WC.
The reality:
East - Four team race. Steve continues to flaunt the ratings. Three teams with + run difs and Jeep surprisingly with a big deficit.
Central - Other than Dale 8 games up on Hawk it's pretty right on. Of course Dale's ratings on his current team, not the one that played earlier.
West - Pretty much as advertised, but I wouldn't expect only 1 positive run dif.
WC - JTJ up two on Randal, klx Spider and Big A. Three other teams are within five games. With a lot of divisonal games left to be played, Ratings would expect that the West teams may drop back in the WC race.
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Team Ov Ovrl Rtg Rec Dif
SemperG 2639 2 2 0 C
JoeTJet 2552 3 4 -1 C
Jeep... 2442 4 6 -2 E
Millerm 2430 4 4 0 W
KLX.... 2396 4 5 -1 E
Stoney. 2345 4 6 -2 W
BigAlrc 2339 4 5 -1 W
Spider. 2326 4 5 -1 W
hawk... 2270 6 10 -4 C
Randal. 2244 6 5 1 E
stevep. 2031 8 4 4 E
Dale... 1714 11 6 5 C
Hawk is well below and Steve and Dale well above. Dale can be explained a bit by the moves, Steve is out performing offensively by a big amount. Hawk's pitching has struggled. Given that there are so many teams close is ratings, I'm not surprised that the races are so close.
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Team Of O Rtg Run Dif
Millerm 8363 1 2 -1
KLX.... 8111 3 4 -1
BigAlrc 8000 4 6 -2
JoeTJet 7885 5 5 0
SemperG 7856 5 3 2
Stoney. 7838 5 10 -5
Spider. 7757 6 5 1
stevep. 7550 9 3 6
Jeep... 7492 9 9 0
hawk... 7306 11 12 -1
Randal. 7290 11 9 2
Dale... 7162 12 9 3
As stated Steve is well over expectations. Stoney is well below. The rest are close.
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Team PF P+F Rtg Run Dif
hawk... 5082 2 7 -5
Jeep... 5102 2 8 -6
Randal. 5121 2 3 -1
SemperG 5261 4 4 0
JoeTJet 5408 6 5 1
Spider. 5472 7 8 -1
Dale... 5499 7 5 2
Stoney. 5553 8 4 4
stevep. 5590 8 5 3
BigAlrc 5721 10 9 1
KLX.... 5768 10 9 1
Millerm 6003 12 12 0
Hawk and Jeep's pitching+fielding have not met expectations. Stones unexpected offense is mitigated by an unexpectedly good rating here. Steve is also a bit high.
Fielding - I haven't done the luck ratings so I'll just post the order for now. Things to note is that Dale is REALLY good and Miller is REALLY bad.
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Fieldng FRt
Dale... 80
SemperG 295
BigAlrc 386
hawk... 387
JoeTJet 497
Randal. 532
Spider. 605
Stoney. 613
Jeep... 651
KLX.... 659
stevep. 866
Millerm 947