Luck Factors
Definitely a little different this time around.
No one is significantly lucky. Many teams are a little unlucky. Four teams are kind of unlucky:
Big A - Really behind in bphrs, balanced one run and pytag luck, but unlucky on unearned and Injuries. Kind of weird.
Randal Another HR dif alon with rolling on the other card, but balance by good one run luck
Steve P - bad singles and one runners (really bad) balanced by good injury luck.
Spider - Really behind in rolls, but super weird +7 in one runners, but -3 in pytag (Stoney did similar) how do you do that?
Not sure I"ve seen a +7 one run record along with a -3 or -4 expected record.
- Code: Select all
Mgr .. . SI HR 1-R Pyt Rolls UE/E Inj Luck Fctr
BigA... -0% -16% +7 +5 +0.4% 72% +59 -2.5
Randal. +2% -17% +6 0 -0.9% 57% +29 -2
stevep. -10% +2% -10 -1 -0.6% 47% +32 -2
Spider. +1% -0% +7 -3 -1.5% 59% +15 -2
Hawk... +1% -10% +3 +2 +0.6% 63% -13 -1.5
Millerm +0% +11% -12 -4 +0.4% 73% -9 -1.5
Jeep... -1% -7% +2 -2 +0.2% 67% +13 -1
JTJ.... -0% -2% -5 -1 +0.9% 80% -7 -1
Semper. -3% -9% -4 -1 -0.5% 49% -12 -1
KLX.... +7% -9% -3 -1 +1.0% 51% +8 0.5
dale... -0% +4% +2 +3 +0.5% 49% -30 1
Stoney. +0% +1% +7 -4 -0.5% 36% +4 1
These show a bigger difference than normal, but the ratings and percentages are so close, I'm not sure it's not just the way I'm comparing rating v actual.
Either way, JTJ and Miller look a little low in the actual versus ratings.
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Fieldng FRt Rtg F% Dif
Dale... 9 2 1 1 E
Spider. 349 5 4 1 W
stevep. 492 6 5 1 E
Jeep... 503 6 7 -1 C
Stoney. 510 6 7 -1 W
KLX.... 512 6 7 -1 C
BigAlrc 538 6 7 -1 E
SemperG 539 6 6 0 W
JoeTJet 645 7 9 -2 C
Millerm 661 7 9 -2 W
hawk... 778 8 8 0 C
Randal. 831 8 10 -2 E