NLD 59 - Satchel Commemorative League

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Re: NLD 59 - Satchel Commemorative League

PostMon May 02, 2022 8:34 am

joethejet wrote:Six out? We're you missing a pitcher also? Well, you have me beat for sure!

No, I just can't count. Joe was on both the "out" list and "just returned" list - so I counted him twice. I did lose Sale for 3 (no pain there), but that was earlier.

I play the next two games with Brown, Beaty and Culberson in the OF - Yaz, Reynolds, Brinson, and Joe are injured. My staff needs to throw only GBs. Reynolds is back for game 3 and I'm sure he can cover for the other two.


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Re: NLD 59 - Satchel Commemorative League

PostWed May 11, 2022 4:55 pm

Dang! Milleram is HOT

10 out of 12. Sheesh. And, only two one run wins in the bunch.


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Re: NLD 59 - Satchel Commemorative League

PostWed May 11, 2022 5:30 pm

As much as I like Jeep, and I was all for Jeep the year he won the PC--I have to root for Dale in east this time--he's due.


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Re: NLD 59 - Satchel Commemorative League

PostWed May 11, 2022 7:16 pm

milleram wrote:As much as I like Jeep, and I was all for Jeep the year he won the PC--I have to root for Dale in east this time--he's due.

Dale is, no doubt, due. I'm not taking sides because he's 4-2 against me so I'm not sure I'd want to see him if the playoffs were I so lucky as to make them.

But yeah, he's due for a few die rolls to go his way.


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Re: NLD 59 - Satchel Commemorative League

PostThu May 12, 2022 8:58 am

Well my squad is playing totally different than the beginning of the year, as I replaced 3 Pitchers whose combined record was 0-12. The three new guys have a 10-5 combined record. I was able to afford to do that almost entirely by simply replacing Riley with Maxfield. Maxfield has even put up better numbers than Riley was doing at the time. I guess what I'm saying is I feel like I've got a squad now that can finish at the top. Especially with the bulletin board material I have now ;)

That said, I'm sure I have doomed my squad for the rest of the season by saying the above.


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Re: NLD 59 - Satchel Commemorative League

PostThu May 12, 2022 1:04 pm

Jeepdriver wrote:Well my squad is playing totally different than the beginning of the year, as I replaced 3 Pitchers whose combined record was 0-12. The three new guys have a 10-5 combined record. I was able to afford to do that almost entirely by simply replacing Riley with Maxfield. Maxfield has even put up better numbers than Riley was doing at the time. I guess what I'm saying is I feel like I've got a squad now that can finish at the top. Especially with the bulletin board material I have now ;)

That said, I'm sure I have doomed my squad for the rest of the season by saying the above.


doesn't it always seem that way?

I'll try to get to the ratings soon, now that we've cleared teh 81 game mark. Surprisingly there were NO moves at the deadline!


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Re: NLD 59 - Satchel Commemorative League

PostTue May 17, 2022 11:13 pm

Finally time for ratings

According to the ratings there are two top teams, a first tier, a middle and a second tier.

Breaks down like this
Miller, JTJ
Semp, Jeep, Spider, Randal
toshiro, hawk, Dale, Big A

Code: Select all
Team...   O...   P...   F..   P+F.   Ovrl   Div
Millerm   7643   4495   486   4981   2662   W
JoeTJet   8084   5072   483   5555   2529   W
SemperG   7894   5115   481   5597   2298   C
Jeep...   8176   5203   701   5904   2273   E
Spider.   8074   5380   426   5806   2268   C
Randal.   8166   4933   969   5903   2264   C
KLX....   8259   5835   183   6017   2241   E
Stoney.   7447   4871   365   5236   2211   W
toshiro   7942   5105   666   5771   2171   W
hawk...   7865   5151   601   5752   2113   E
Dale...   7485   4840   558   5398   2087   E
BigAlrc   7144   4917   159   5076   2068   C

Divi   Offn   Ptch   Fld   P+F   Overall
East   7946   5257   511   5768   2178
Cent   7820   5086   509   5595   2224
West   7779   4886   500   5386   2393

The West has the best overall rating, the East the worst, but the East has the most offense. The West the best pitching be a good distance. Some of that, of course, is due to the non HR parks in the West.

The ratings would say this about the races:
East - Jeep is the best, but KLX isn't *that* far back. Hawk and Dale should be also rans.
Central - Semp has a slight edge over Spidy and Randal, but it should be a dog fight. Big A doesn't rate well.
West - Two team race between Miller and JTJ with the loser getting the WC. Stones and toshiro would project to be a lot lower.
WC - The second place team in the West would be the favorite, but the second place team from the Central would have a shot.

Ratings a farily close overall. Only Spider and KLX are under and no one is really over.

Code: Select all
Team Ov   Ovrl   Rtg   Rec   Dif   
Millerm   2662   1   3   -2   W
JoeTJet   2529   3   2   1   W
SemperG   2298   7   4   3   C
Jeep...   2273   7   5   [code][/code]2   E
Spider.   2268   7   12   -5   C
Randal.   2264   7   7   0   C
KLX....   2241   8   12   -4   E
Stoney.   2211   8   5   3   W
toshiro   2171   9   7   2   W
hawk...   2113   10   12   -2   E
Dale...   2087   10   7   3   E
BigAlrc   2068   10   9   1   C


KLX is underperforming because his O has not been the best in the league. Semper is over, every one else is close

Code: Select all
Team Of   O   Rtg   Run   Dif   
KLX....   8259   2   7   -5   E
Jeep...   8176   3   2   1   E
Randal.   8166   3   4   -1   C
JoeTJet   8084   4   5   -1   W
Spider.   8074   4   5   -1   C
toshiro   7942   5   5   0   W
SemperG   7894   5   1   4   C
hawk...   7865   5   6   -1   E
Millerm   7643   8   6   2   W
Dale...   7485   9   10   -1   E
Stoney.   7447   9   10   -1   W
BigAlrc   7144   12   10   2   C


No big variations here. About what you'd expect.

Code: Select all
Team PF   P+F   Rtg   Run   Dif   
Millerm   4981   1   2   -1   W
BigAlrc   5076   2   4   -2   C
Stoney.   5236   3   1   2   W
Dale...   5398   5   6   -1   E
JoeTJet   5555   7   6   1   W
SemperG   5597   8   8   0   C
hawk...   5752   10   12   -2   E
toshiro   5771   10   10   0   W
Spider.   5806   10   8   2   C
Randal.   5903   11   10   1   C
Jeep...   5904   11   10   1   E
KLX....   6017   12   10   2   E

I don't have the comparison of fielding to actuals yet, but for your info, here are the fielding stats

Code: Select all
Fieldng   FRt
BigAlrc   159
KLX....   183
Stoney.   365
Spider.   426
SemperG   481
JoeTJet   483
Millerm   486
Dale...   558
hawk...   601
toshiro   666
Jeep...   701
Randal.   969

Last edited by joethejet on Wed May 18, 2022 2:07 am, edited 2 times in total.


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Re: NLD 59 - Satchel Commemorative League

PostWed May 18, 2022 12:02 am

I guess my fielding is so bad, doesn't even show up in the ratings. :lol:


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Re: NLD 59 - Satchel Commemorative League

PostWed May 18, 2022 2:07 am

randal64 wrote:I guess my fielding is so bad, doesn't even show up in the ratings. :lol:

Yeah, it's REALLY bad, I must have just messed up the copy paste. I've updated above.


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Re: NLD 59 - Satchel Commemorative League

PostWed May 18, 2022 4:10 pm

Each team's rating in each park. For formatting West and Central first followed by East.

Code: Select all
Team...   Chas   Comer   Kauf   Fenw   Ddgr   Trst   Camd   Guar
Big A..   1900   2014   1964   2034   2159   2002   2123   2078
stoney.   2214   2220   2379   2260   1849   2061   1799   1711
Miller.   2612   2640   2667   2720   2756   2637   2733   2660
Semper.   2000   1983   1883   2080   2480   2178   2563   2543
toshiro   2105   2193   2264   2242   2066   2062   1999   1876
jeep...   1815   2008   1828   2005   2420   2016   2366   2314
Spider.   2013   1931   1882   2014   2309   2158   2461   2464
Hawk...   1965   2022   1953   2001   2128   2060   2147   2174
KLX....   2069   1530   1717   1771   1934   2094   2366   2440
Randa.l   1558   1942   1601   1898   2589   1901   2461   2368
Dale...   2069   2008   2077   2117   2152   2062   2162   2086
JTJ....   2450   2121   2294   2361   2447   2459   2699   2646
ave....   2064   2051   2042   2125   2274   2141   2323   2280
Hi.....   2612   2640   2667   2720   2756   2637   2733   2660
low....   1558   1530   1601   1771   1849   1901   1799   1711

Code: Select all
Team...   Citz   GAB.   Coor   Angel   Average
Big A..   2054   2149   2086   2025   2049
stoney.   1952   1842   2140   1932   2030
Miller.   2667   2743   2752   2625   2684
Semper.   2311   2549   2278   2316   2264
toshiro   2029   2049   2222   1983   2091
jeep...   2164   2364   2134   2093   2127
Spider.   2249   2455   2222   2306   2205
Hawk...   2092   2150   2057   2121   2072
KLX....   2114   2331   2059   2304   2061
Randal.   2139   2470   2101   2019   2087
Dale...   2098   2151   2139   2031   2096
JTJ....   2489   2695   2572   2559   2483
ave....   2197   2329   2230   2193   2187
Hi.....   2667   2743   2752   2625   2684
low....   1952   1842   2057   1932   2030

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