NLD 66 - Popeye Eats His Spinach

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Re: NLD 66 - Popeye Eats His Spinach

PostThu Sep 12, 2024 2:16 am

joethejet wrote:Sounds good.

So....I didn't think it was going to be an issue, but with the delay...I'm sorry to say that....

I will have very limited access to a computer and wifi from 9/28-10/7. If we can get to the last few rounds of the draft by then, then I'm OK, as long as the league doesn't fill before I return. If we don't get started very soon, then I would prefer to wait until the weekend of 10/5 with no clock until I return. I'm confident I can make my first pick and probably my second, but it's just going to be tough to get access.

I hope this isn't an issue for anyone....

I'm also cool to start whenever, but not sure I understand? If we get another player soon and we draft, you don't want the league to start play before 10/7? Is that correct?


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Re: NLD 66 - Popeye Eats His Spinach

PostThu Sep 12, 2024 4:40 pm

Yeah, I think I could have time to get the last few picks in via proxies if need be, but getting a team entered and setup would be difficult with the technical issues I'll be facing.


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Re: NLD 66 - Popeye Eats His Spinach

PostFri Sep 13, 2024 2:39 pm

Joe, we're always having to work around your schedule.

If we got started now I see no reason we couldn't finish by 9/28...however, my Owner saw the comments and said he'd play if we didn't have a replacement by October.

I'm not asking anyone else.

I'm VERY ticked because I go to the trouble to find a replacement, then get the comments about your schedule that we're going to be delayed essentially a month.. Not good man. Not good.


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Re: NLD 66 - Popeye Eats His Spinach

PostFri Sep 13, 2024 6:23 pm

Hey Jeep,

if we have a sub, I agree, we can probably get started.

When I made my comments, it was unclear if and when we'd have a sub. That' was what I was trying to say: If we delayed much longer, I was going to run into a problem. I didn't say anything earlier because I figured we'd be good.

I didn't know we had one and when we would start. This is the first I've heard that someone was committed. I didn't know how long it would take to get an OK. This is two days after I posted and please note that I said "If we don't get started very soon" I would suggest that two days later IS very soon.

As for working around my schedule, it's very rare that I have been a problem. Almost never in 66 NLDs.

If we can start this weekend, I agree that we can finish. I'll do my best to get a team loaded in with my limited availability if we run up against my timeline. Is your guy good to start now?


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Re: NLD 66 - Popeye Eats His Spinach

PostFri Sep 13, 2024 8:51 pm

OK, I have MEAT ready to play. We can get started when you're ready. I'll get with Stoney to see exactly what he needs to get MEAT set up.


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Re: NLD 66 - Popeye Eats His Spinach

PostSat Sep 14, 2024 3:54 am

Let's go! and get this done. I really will have problems connecting and spending much time after 9/28 to the evening of 10/7.

Stones, you ready?


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Re: NLD 66 - Popeye Eats His Spinach

PostSat Sep 14, 2024 3:56 am

Ok, here is our league for NLD 67

milleram 75 IN
Semper Gumby 75 IN
BigAlric 78 - IN

joethejet 78 - IN
Spider 67 78 - IN
klx22 79 - IN
Gilbo 84 -IN

RandyW64 83 - IN
Jeepdriver 93 - IN
Stoney18 88 - In
dalekeener 85 - In

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