Fri Oct 19, 2012 6:51 pm
Hi guys,
I still have not heard from Shakey in a long long time. If he does not check in soon via email or the boards, I will replace him with one of the guys who applied when we took Lev on.
And that leads me to an issue: responsiveness.
I know SOM is not life, and we all have ebbs & flows with our ability to participate, but the thing that is really tough to manage are different levels of responsiveness among our members, which is why I called this league "hard core" from the beginning - tried to weed out those candidates who were half into it. Basically, I expect turnaround within 1 day when I call for check-ins or specific actions by league members, unless it's weekend or unless someone has told me they're out of town/offline.
To sum it up, SOM already killed some of the fun & momentum from these leagues for me with the transition, and chasing folks kills it further for me. So I have a few options:
1) kill the league
2) hand off admin of it to someone else
3) be a real SOB about people replying and start kicking folks out who take too long
I am leaning towards #3 right now. So for those folks who don't think they can hang with a general 1 day turnaround, please let me know now. Also, for those of you who have given me your cellphone/text #s, I am perfectly fine with that as a way to reach you as long as you still reply within a day.
We have 3 left in the West, doesn't look like we'll make it tonight but rest assured, I will get us moving again.