Wed Oct 09, 2019 11:07 pm
The votes I can find are:
Structured -- Goreds54, Treyomo, pacoboy, Musial6, unclerowser
Random -- chunga1, emart, N Texas, Crapgame, andy, FB
Waffling -- nomadbrad
Brad abstained, forcing me to cast the deciding vote. Coin flip came up random. If people want to take a day to debate the division question, that's fine by me and we can see if anyone wants to change their vote. In the meantime, I will create a new league called Dream It, Build It - 1R with random divisions, password also: third base
If there is no more debate and/or no one changes their vote, as soon as everyone has a team in the league ($140, Live Draft) I will notify Strat to move us into preseason and Mr. Goreds can get us started.
Thank you all.