NLD 41 - The Tradition Continues

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Spider 67

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Re: NLD 41 - The Tradition Continues

PostThu Jun 23, 2016 7:42 am

BigAlric wrote:Are you kidding me? We won 26-7 vs. Deep inj the gap. we scored more runs in that game than we usually score in 10 games.

I couldn't stand watching each inning unfold! You had 27 hits - more than both teams totaled in the next two games.

Michael Grammes

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Re: NLD 41 - The Tradition Continues

PostThu Jun 23, 2016 8:27 am

Joe, as always, thanks again for all the time and effort put into this league!!

On a side note, I would love to try the max injuries... Maybe its something we could discuss for season two? Maybe a larger cap with the ability for us to carry up to 28 like SOM allows?

Just random thoughts, either way, excited to get this lost season wrapped up and onto the next one lol


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Re: NLD 41 - The Tradition Continues

PostFri Jun 24, 2016 1:16 am

Spider 67 wrote:
BigAlric wrote:Are you kidding me? We won 26-7 vs. Deep inj the gap. we scored more runs in that game than we usually score in 10 games.

I couldn't stand watching each inning unfold! You had 27 hits - more than both teams totaled in the next two games.

That's pretty crazy!

Joe, as always, thanks again for all the time and effort put into this league!!

On a side note, I would love to try the max injuries..

MG you're welcome. Glad you enjoy. As for the max injuries, I would REALLY not want to do this. The cards aren't priced for the injuries and, quite honestly, I haven't spent the time it would take to understand the impact, particularly on pitching. I don't think it is well thought out or tested by SOM either. Just one guy's opinion.

BTW, Chris Davis hit 4 HRs in one game against me tonight!

Michael Grammes

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Re: NLD 41 - The Tradition Continues

PostSun Jun 26, 2016 9:10 am

Kinda just a bump to get us back to page 1... All the work JTJ puts in this, we should never see page 2 !

But if anyone can figure my team out, please inform me, as I am so confounded by this squad, I stopped trying to figure anything out with it, or be surprised by 9-1 over 10 games, or upset at a 2-8 run.

Kinda like golfing for me, This is just fun, and no matter how poorly I am doing, its still not work.


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Re: NLD 41 - The Tradition Continues

PostWed Jun 29, 2016 4:59 pm

Here are Spider's numbers, he was having problems formatting them. I haven't had a chance to analyze where and why were are different, but I wanted to put this out there for you guys to look at and comment on. Thoughts?

Code: Select all
Team   Off   Fld   Pit   Net Inj
Spdr   612   26   564   23   32
Dale   632   -8   620   20   19
JTJ.   644   44   586   14   24
Smok   591   28   549   14   24
GB..   536   63   460   12   40
MG..   621   3   617     1   19
Hawk   666   59   607    0   22
Stny   573   24   552   -3   26
Semp   589   0   601   -11   13
Doug   589   11   599   -21   28
BigA   498   -39   561   -23   43
Jeep   605   64   568   -27   23

Compared to
Code: Select all
Team...   O...   P...   F..   P+F.   Ovrl   Div
Smokey.   7513   4769   296   5065   2448   W
Doug...   7679   5094   214   5308   2371   E
SemperG   7409   4864   183   5047   2362   C
JoeTJet   7765   4969   450   5419   2346   W
BigAlrc   6840   4533     2   4536   2305   W
Stoney.   7434   4838   364   5202   2232   E
Gbrooke   7125   4319   605   4924   2201   C
Spider.   7559   4981   398   5379   2180   C
Jeep...   7387   4947   421   5368   2019   C
Dale...   7780   5572   205   5777   2003   E
MG.....   7651   5506   308   5814   1836   E
nythawk   7791   5286   672   5958   1834   W


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Re: NLD 41 - The Tradition Continues

PostWed Jun 29, 2016 5:42 pm

I haven't said much because I'm frustrated with my team as well. But yes, thx to Joe for the efforts he puts in.

The max injury is terrible! One league I played in I had three SPs with 60 game max injuries at one time. :shock:

Spider 67

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Re: NLD 41 - The Tradition Continues

PostWed Jun 29, 2016 5:54 pm

BIG THANKS TO JOE for sorting through my scratchings.

Comments on my nums:

The "Injury" column numbers are a calculation of how much a teams hitting would improve, if they had no injuries.

As of last night, I am underestimating total runs scored by about 6%. My predictions for Runs Allowed are much worse than for Runs Scored - especially for Semper, BigA and my team.

Runs Scored Actual (Spider Rating)

Nythawk...1 (1)
JTJ..........2 (2)
Spider.......3 (5)
MG...........4 (4)
Doug.........5 (9)
Semper......6 (8)
Jeep.........7 (6)
Dale .........8 (3)
Stoney.......9 (10)
Smokey......10 (7)
Geoff........11 (11)
BigA.........12 (12)

Runs Allowed Actual / (Spider Rating)

Geoff.......1 (2)
Semper.....2 (9)
Smokey.....3 (4)
Stoney......4 (3)
JTJ..........5 (8)
BigA.........6 (1)
Doug........7 (7)
Dale.........8 (12)
MG...........9 (11)
Jeep.........10 (6)
Spider.......11 (5)
Nythawk....12 (10)


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Re: NLD 41 - The Tradition Continues

PostThu Jun 30, 2016 12:57 am

Thanks guys,

I did some work on Luck factors today. Should get it out soon. Did that instead of analyzing the diffrences between Spider and me. I'll try to get to that too.


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Re: NLD 41 - The Tradition Continues

PostThu Jun 30, 2016 9:57 am

I echo the sentiments regarding the ratings Joe. Thanks Much.
This team is perplexing. I feel though not great , they should be playoff caliber. This league will end a streak of four consecutive titles across all leagues for me..

Thanks for your data as well Spider ! And to jtj for compiling.


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Re: NLD 41 - The Tradition Continues

PostFri Jul 01, 2016 12:19 am


You're team is just a little unbalanced right v left. Very good v LHP, not so much v RHP.

Also, your starters are pretty so-so and your pen is great. I'm guessing you just haven't come from behind too much.

Ok, luck factors for everyone

Code: Select all
Mgr .. .   W   SI   HR   1-R   Pyt   Rolls   UE/E   Inj   Luck Fctr
Hawk...   68   -0%   -3%   +12   +1   -0.4%   63%   -47   3
dale...   58   -3%   -6%   +9   +3   -0.6%   46%   -17   2
Semper.   62   -3%   +1%   +3   +1   +1.4%   41%   -13   2
Smokey.   66   +14%   +15%   -8   -6   -1.7%   43%   +10   1.5
Doug...   64   +7%   +3%   +2   0    -1.5%   47%   -55   1
MG.....   59   -8%   +12%   +5   +2   -0.2%   54%   -15   0.5
Gbrooke   55   +0%   -7%   -6   0    -0.4%   51%   -79   0
Stoney.   62   -1%   -2%   -3   -1   +1.2%   56%   -25   0
JTJ....   70   +3%   -7%   +1   +4   -0.9%   55%   +34   -1
Spider.   68   -7%   -3%   -2   +1   +0.0%   69%   -28   -1.5
Jeep...   63   -0%   -7%   -7   -2   +1.0%   69%   -41   -2
BigA...   61   -0%   -10%   -6   -5   +2.1%   54%   +14   -2.5

Really most teams are pretty balanced out except for Hawk how has been soooo good with one runners and with injuries. Dale and Semp have been somewhat lucky, both with unearned runs Semp also with the die rolls.

On the other side Big A has been the most unlucky with HR dif, one runs and win dif more than compensating for having a lot of rolls in his card. Jeep has also been a bit unlucky with HRs, one runners and unearned runs factoring bad and fewer injuries than expected to the good.

One thing that I thought was amazing was Smokey's luck in BP rolls. He's +14/15 in them!

Also, here is the fielding comparison. As you can see, the biggest difference is that Doug's fielding should be much better. The rest are pretty close.

Code: Select all
Fieldng   FRt   Rtg   F%   Dif   
BigAlrc     2   1   1   0   W
SemperG   183   4   4   0   C
Dale...   205   4   5   -1   E
Doug...   214   4   8   -4   E
Smokey.   296   5   5   0   W
MG.....   308   5   7   -2   E
Stoney.   364   6   4   2   E
Spider.   398   7   8   -1   C
Jeep...   421   7   9   -2   C
JoeTJet   450   8   7   1   W
Gbrooke   605  11   9   2   C
nythawk   672  12  12   0   W

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