Sun Apr 28, 2024 12:54 pm
My 2 cents, which is assuredly unwelcomed...
This league in particular has the oddity of having the draft occur much later than other leagues. We are, believe it or not, already close to 17% into the current season of "real" baseball. Because of this, every day that goes by, every start, every AB, provides more and more bias in the drafting process. One could make an argument that an 15th round pick is more valuable than a 8th round pick, because there is THAT much MORE information available to the picker.
Some of this is just inherent with the structure of the league, but we should do our best to minimize that impact. For some of the more lassie-fare of us in our drafting discipline, I'd simply ask: If you are going to miss your window anyways, and make the choice to pick 5 or more picks after your assigned pick when you are timed out (your pick, your choice, no criticism here) then why make the majority of the league suffer through 5-12 hours of waiting on a weekend for what fits your schedule? And, at the risk of repeating myself for the thousandth time, if you don't want to be on the boards on the weekend, don't... Just leave a proxy with someone who picks after you so that you can't be poached. Everyone wins. Draft nazi's like me, and weekends are for me types like some of you. It's that kind of planning that could bring Palestine and Israel lasting peace... If those people would just use damn proxies, we could avoid another middle east conflict!!!!
Like I said, my 2 cents, you get what you pay for....