TSL Keeper League Chat- NL start-up check-in

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Re: TSL Keeper League Chat- NL start-up check-in

PostMon Aug 03, 2020 12:25 am

We will start our NL league as soon as we get a check-as soon as we are ready, I'll get a random number sequence for the divisions. Let's check in for the beginning of the NL league.

1. Evan Thomas
2. toshiro
3. Waynick
4. thechamp87
5. seanreflex - here
6. JMP1
7. MFL536
8. joker329
9. fredpaii
10. bigmahon - Here
11. fowldawg- here
12. Terry101- Here


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Re: TSL Keeper League Chat- NL start-up check-in

PostMon Aug 03, 2020 1:18 am

We will start our NL league as soon as we get a check-as soon as we are ready, I'll get a random number sequence for the divisions. Let's check in for the beginning of the NL league.

1. Evan Thomas
2. toshiro
3. Waynick here
4. thechamp87
5. seanreflex - here
6. JMP1
7. MFL536
8. joker329
9. fredpaii
10. bigmahon - Here
11. fowldawg- here
12. Terry101- Here


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Re: TSL Keeper League Chat- NL start-up check-in

PostMon Aug 03, 2020 3:13 am

All here now :D


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Re: TSL Keeper League Chat- NL start-up check-in

PostMon Aug 03, 2020 1:00 pm

We will start our NL league as soon as we get a check-as soon as we are ready, I'll get a random number sequence for the divisions.

OK- The East will be numbers 1-4; Central 5-8 and West 9-12 Random sequence coming up

1. Evan Thomas
2. toshiro
3. Waynick
4. thechamp87
5. seanreflex -
6. JMP1
7. MFL536
8. joker329
9. fredpaii
10. bigmahon -
11. fowldawg-
12. Terry101-


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Re: TSL Keeper League Chat- NL start-up check-in

PostMon Aug 03, 2020 2:15 pm

We will start our NL league as soon as we get a check-as soon as we are ready, I'll get a random number sequence for the divisions.


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Re: Random Numbers request
PostMon Aug 03, 2020 12:57 pm

Here is your sequence:


OK- The East will be numbers 1-4; Central 5-8 and West 9-12 Random sequence coming up

1. Evan Thomas-1
2. toshiro-12
3. Waynick-8
4. thechamp87- 2
5. seanreflex -4
6. JMP1- 11
7. MFL536- 9
8. joker329- 7
9. fredpaii-3
10. bigmahon -6
11. fowldawg-5
12. Terry101- 10

East: Evan, the champ87, fredpali, seanreflex

Central: fowldawg, bigmahon, joker329, Waynick

West: MFL539, Terry101, JMP1, toshiro

100 mil, 2019u, DH, etc.


Could you get the East going? Thanks

1.evanthomas- Viola '43 Cubs Wrigley Field
2. MFL536-Buffalo 64 Cards ,Miller Park
3.bigmahon - Kirkwood ‘69 Mets, Citizens
4. toshiro - San Francisco '62 Giants, AT&T Park
5. Waynick T) '95 Braves Great American Ballpark
6. joker329- Springfield, 86 Mets, Sun Trust Park
7. JMP1- '62 Mets, Nationals Park- REPICK NEEDED Gray taken by MFL
8. theChamp87 - '94 Expos, Coors Field
9. fredpaii- Ramona'10 Padres, Citi Field
10. seanreflex - Sarasota '19 Nationals; Chase Field
11. Terry101- St. Louis '57 Cardinals, Dodger Stadium
12. fowldawg- Batavia '74 Expos, PNC Park


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Re: TSL Keeper League Chat- NL start-up check-in

PostMon Aug 03, 2020 5:18 pm

I went ahead and started the league. Hope that's okay. League starts ONE day after draft.

Here's the league link... http://365.strat-o-matic.com/member/acceptinvite/PHYRY

EAGUE: TSL - 3 2020: National League
Player Set: 2019 season Unleashed
Skill Level: Advanced
Draft type: Auto List Draft
Salary Cap: $100,000,000
FA Drop Penalty: 5% [?]DH Rule: yes
Waivers: NO - FRENZY as soon as draft is run
Super-Advanced Injuries: off (?)
Postseason Format: 2 rounds: Best-of-7, Best-of-7
Opening Day: 1 days after draft
Managers may own multiple teams: no


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Re: TSL Keeper League Chat- NL start-up check-in

PostMon Aug 03, 2020 6:29 pm

fredpaii wrote:I went ahead and started the league. Hope that's okay. League starts ONE day after draft.

Here's the league link... http://365.strat-o-matic.com/member/acceptinvite/PHYRY

EAGUE: TSL - 3 2020: National League
Player Set: 2019 season Unleashed
Skill Level: Advanced
Draft type: Auto List Draft
Salary Cap: $100,000,000
FA Drop Penalty: 5% [?]DH Rule: yes
Waivers: NO - FRENZY as soon as draft is run
Super-Advanced Injuries: off (?)
Postseason Format: 2 rounds: Best-of-7, Best-of-7
Opening Day: 1 days after draft

What is the password for the league? If it's already listed somewhere and I missed it, I apologize.
Managers may own multiple teams: no


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Re: TSL Keeper League Chat- NL start-up check-in

PostMon Aug 03, 2020 6:30 pm

What is the password for the league? If it's already listed somewhere and I missed it, I apologize.


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Re: TSL Keeper League Chat- NL start-up check-in

PostMon Aug 03, 2020 6:36 pm

seanreflex wrote:What is the password for the league? If it's already listed somewhere and I missed it, I apologize.

You just need to click on the link I provided


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Re: TSL Keeper League Chat- NL start-up check-in

PostMon Aug 03, 2020 9:18 pm

fredpaii wrote:
seanreflex wrote:What is the password for the league? If it's already listed somewhere and I missed it, I apologize.

You just need to click on the link I provided

Thanks, Fred

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