The Free agent draft is winding down, I hope it will be done by the time I go to bed tonight (
looking at you mike282981 ) Normally that would mean I would set up the league and start the prospect draft, HOWEVER, I will going heading out of town very early tomorrow morning to visit with family the next few days in central NY. Between the long drive(s) and the planned activities, I will not be online much, if at all, until Tuesday night at the earliest once I hit the hay tonight. I will attempt to get the roster updated Tuesday by my return.
We will start the Prospect draft Wednesday WITH A CLOCK. I will create the league either Tuesday night or Wednesday so get your teams ready to load.
Once that happens, I will have three or four league rule change proposals that will need to be voted on by ALL of you. Then you can all hibernate for 8 weeks while season 1 plays out. Thank you for your patience. Do not plan on this league starting as late next year, the goal will be to start the draft sometime between April 1 and 5th.