Finders Keepers Keeper League Chat

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Re: Finders Keepers Keeper League Chat

PostThu Mar 07, 2013 10:57 pm

Rant wrote:Stadium Rules
3) Team can change stadiums, but they can only be changed a maximum of once in three years. The stadium change must be made when there is no season in progress. Changes can be made first come, first served, by posting a notice on the message board. Players may trade stadiums with other players at any time except while a season is in progress.

Unfortunately, I must have lopped off changes in stadiums when I condensed the roster spreadsheet. Looking back it appears there's been at least one slip up that I'm guessing I was at the root of and one gray area.

1. Niners, you switched to Dodgers stadium when you took over your team for the 2011 season. But then last year you reverted back to your initial (inherited) stadium, Great American Ballpark. I'm guessing that I didn't change the stadium in the roster sheet, and you went off the roster sheet. My solution: Since the error was mine, and I didn't catch it prior to the draft last year, I suggest that Niners' slate be washed clean on changing stadiums and that his request to change this year be granted. His clock will start for three years from that change.

2. The Turtle entered the league in mid-season 2010, and was allowed to change at that point, as he was a new manager. I'm counting that change as the 2010 season and therefore he has the option (and used that option) to change his stadium this year. For drafting purposes it doesn't make logical sense to penalize an owner for taking over a team (thank you!) and forcing him to wait an extra in-game season or draft for two different stadiums.

    Pre-season 2011 - Next change available is 2014 pre-season
    mfl changed his stadium to Comerica
    Peter changed his stadium to PNC
    Niners changed his stadium to Dodger

    Pre-season 2013 - Next change available is 2016 pre-season
    Turtle changed his stadium to Miller
    zim changed his stadium to Great American Ballpark
    niners changed his stadium to Citizens Bank

Everyone else is open to change parks. If any owner has an issue with those two rulings, I'm open to discussion or alternative solutions. Once the draft starts, I'll consider the matter closed. My apologies to all for not detecting this earlier.

Did we get a final ruling on this, I stated I'd be willing to keep Dodger stadium and not change as I had made that change last year to stay within the rules.. Just need someone to clarify if I'm in Dodger or Citizens bank...


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Re: Finders Keepers Keeper League Chat

PostThu Mar 07, 2013 11:34 pm

thisisray trades

1st round prospect pick

to Turtle for

BJ Upton

Turtle to confirm.

The Turtle

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Re: Finders Keepers Keeper League Chat

PostFri Mar 08, 2013 1:00 am

thisisray wrote:thisisray trades

1st round prospect pick

to Turtle for

BJ Upton

Turtle to confirm.



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Re: Finders Keepers Keeper League Chat

PostFri Mar 08, 2013 9:11 am

NIners, The way I read what RANT wrote is that the change to Citizen Bank Ballpark will stand. I'm also ok with that. Sorry for not replying sooner however I was busy pretty much all day yesterday with work.


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Re: Finders Keepers Keeper League Chat

PostFri Mar 08, 2013 9:18 am

Roscodog wrote:NIners, The way I read what RANT wrote is that the change to Citizen Bank Ballpark will stand. I'm also ok with that. Sorry for not replying sooner however I was busy pretty much all day yesterday with work.

That was what he said prior to my stating that I'd be okay in Dodger. the only reason I changed was because i wanted out of GAB, which i thought I was still in. If i'm not technically in GAB, there would be no reason for my need to change and I'd just as soon stay in dodger, making the possibilty of a change again come sooner than later.


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Re: Finders Keepers Keeper League Chat

PostFri Mar 08, 2013 9:31 am

Ninersphan wrote:
Roscodog wrote:NIners, The way I read what RANT wrote is that the change to Citizen Bank Ballpark will stand. I'm also ok with that. Sorry for not replying sooner however I was busy pretty much all day yesterday with work.

That was what he said prior to my stating that I'd be okay in Dodger. the only reason I changed was because i wanted out of GAB, which i thought I was still in. If i'm not technically in GAB, there would be no reason for my need to change and I'd just as soon stay in dodger, making the possibilty of a change again come sooner than later.

Ok I see your point, I was confused about why you didn't just pick up Dodger stadium then. :?
If you want to stay in Dodger Stadium (where you were supposed to be anyway) and reserve your right to change at a later date then I'm OK with it. If anyone objects let me know and we can vote. I'd just rather that this be settled before too many picks get made.

Truth be told I'd rather have no changes to stadiums ever. With the exception of if the ballpark ratings change drastically from one year to another that you'd be able to pick one that was closest to your previous ratings. Just my $0.02


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Re: Finders Keepers Keeper League Chat

PostFri Mar 08, 2013 9:40 am

Honestly, I don't care too much either way, Niners. If this were a recurring problem, it might be a flag, but it's not. Choose whichever you want (not that it's mine to say anymore!). I'm open to locking down stadiums, but don't have strong feelings about it. I'll be picking in a moment.


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Re: Finders Keepers Keeper League Chat

PostFri Mar 08, 2013 10:05 am

Then I'll just stay in Dodger. the only reason I wanted to change was to get out of GABP, if I wasn't there I would have never asked to make the change. I only chose Citizens, cause I figured if I was changing might as well try a slanted park, but all things being equeal, I'd just as soon stay in Dodger, that way I'm within the rules, and as i said the idea wouldn't have even occured to me to change had I known that's where I was.


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Re: Finders Keepers Keeper League Chat

PostFri Mar 08, 2013 1:43 pm

Works for me, no sweat off my back either way.

Also, very sorry for the delay in making my pick and not being on top of everything. This morning is busier than expected at work and my afternoon is looking the same. I'll do my best to check in. I will get everything updated this evening.

The Turtle

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Re: Finders Keepers Keeper League Chat

PostFri Mar 08, 2013 2:21 pm

Still looking to trade these guys:

Derek Holland - SP - 2.59m (6th round FA pick or 2nd round prospect)
Edwin Jackson - SP - 2.02m (5th round FA or 2nd round prospect)
Jeff Karstens - SP - 2.23m (7th round FA pick or 3rd round prospect pick)

These prices are, of course, negotiable.

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