calbatross wrote:fredpaii wrote:I don't understand why people after Turtle (and after me of course) can't start picking now. Every league draft I've ever been in has allowed it. I thought that was the purpose of instituting time windows in the first one person can't create a logjam.
In my experience, most leagues I have been have not allowed it, but that's neither here nor there. I was clear about not skipping ahead until everyone behind you has picked earlier in this thread.
If everyone behind you has picked, you may pick immediately; you would not need to wait for your time slot to make your selection.
I know some of us (myself included) would prefer this draft move at a faster pace. And for some of us, life gets in the way of hobbies and we can't always draft promptly when we are up. The time slots running this way is a fair compromise to keep the draft going at a moderate pace while not over-penalizing someone who can't make their pick by their allotted time.
If for some reason you are not able to get to a device to make your pick during your allotted window, please PM or text me your proxy or pick and I will be happy to post it for you. If for some reason I will be unavailable for proxy duty, I will let you know on this forum.
Currently the rule regarding time slots leaves room for interpretation or commissioner discretion. If there is support from several people on formalizing rules regarding time slots (i.e., if 6 or more people PM me in support of it), I can try and write something up and the league can vote. However any rule changes should not be effective until the next draft, at soonest.
Beginning at or around Round 4, we will move to 1/2 hour windows. That will further accelerate the draft. We should be able to wrap this thing up within a little over a week. We are already way ahead of any of the other 5 keeper leagues I am in