Quick review of ratings without knowing RP usage so take them with a grain of salt:
East looks very strong. (Dang it!
Central is next
West is last
Average spending
Lineup 53.1
Pitching 35.0
DJ the most on his lineup
Big A the least
Big M the most on pitching
DJ the least
Stoney and DJ have the most HRs.
GB the fewest
DJ has the best fielding, interesting combo of power and fielding. He looks to be the team to beat. He does have injury issues however. JTJ second in fielding. Keyz at the bottom, but not really that bad. All the teams have pretty good fielding overall. Pure pitching (i.e. not taking D into account) would favor GB, but Kyez and Big A aren't far back
All these numbers are as if eveyrone played even number of games in the parks in the league. Obviously this isn't the case and with a generic pen usage and with my guess at your roster/platoons and before all the last minute moves.