Tue Mar 22, 2022 10:50 am
While we wait to begin the FA Draft, we can do the Stadium Draft here. You can either take one of the open stadiums (see the website for which are open (use the parks/owners tab) or you can select "Pass" to stay with your current stadium.
1. Roscodog - pass
2. DC Irish - Nationals Park (see above for clarification)
3. Terry101 -pass
4. Paul J Kiggins -staying in Progressive
5. Seanreflex - pass (I can suck anywhere)
6. Victor -
7. Turtle -
8. WJS6768 -
and 2 teams (fredpaii and boblues) are able to switch due to their park having large number changes. If they wish to change, they can pick new parks AFTER the 8 owners listed above complete their selections.