Corkie, will move you to the top of the list for when we have another opening.
Ok, based on Keyz' observations, I made HRs count 50% more than singles and added a column for F rating comparison to X chart rolls. This latter one may be a bit questionable because rating has to do with arms and excludes pitchers. The X chart data we get from SOM doesn't include arm impact and has pitchers. In the end, it gave AT and Jeep an extra "luck" point and didnt' impact anyone else's "scores".
- Code: Select all
Mgr Wins Si Dif HR Dif 1Run W Dif FRat/X UE/Error Luck Fctr
JTJ.... 53 -8% -6% -4 -7 -2 90% -7.5
Keyz... 49 4% -16% -3 -2 -1 65% -3
BigA... 48 3% -9% -7 2 0 48% -2.5
Semper. 49 -2% -14% 2 4 2 66% -2
Gbrookes 56 1% 9% -7 -4 1 61% -1.5
Stoney. 67 -1% -19% 3 0 3 48% -1
Big M.. 59 14% -17% 4 2 1 56% -1
Zim.... 55 -2% -1% 8 1 -1 77% 0
Hawk... 50 -14% 4% -5 -2 0 69% 0
DJ..... 59 -2% 17% -4 2 1 61% 2
AT..... 53 3% -1% 4 -2 4 46% 3
Jeep... 68 1% 2% 9 6 5 63% 5
5% 8% 4 4 62%
So, a quick discussion of each category:
Single difference - the assumption is that if you're 5% above or below you get a point, if you're > 10 you get 2. I think this is relatively true
HR difference - I used 8% difference on this one because of the STD Dev. Perhaps would be better to use 5%, only JTJ fell into this gap and we don't want to give him any more negative luck points anyway

I mulitplied this difference by 1.5 and gave 2 points for Keyz, Semp, Stones, Big M and DJ because they were so far from the STD dev.
I would suggest that getting a significant amount of few die rolls than your opponents is good/bad luck. Maybe you could argue taht the differences arent big enough to call it luck. Not sure
One Runners - This is a point of contention I know. I do know this however, a big difference in one runners will lead to a difference in ratings v performance. So, either the ratings can't predict good one run teams or there's luck involved.
Pythag - I think this is obvious. The only question is what is significant.
FRat/X - I addrssed this a bit above. Everyone's pretty close except for AT and Jeep. I will say, however, that the F Rats are pretty close overall so *maybe* this isn't that good an indicator.
Uearned runs per error - Clearly there are timing issues with errors to runs scored. As Keyz points out, the nubmer of errors will determine how big of an impact that the ratio has. Given that no team has *that* few errors I'm not sure it matters here. Interesting to note that the number of errors doesn't correlate to a higher percentage of runs allowed.
Looking at the nubmers, the only team that *really* stands out negatively is JTJ. They've had few singles, hrs, a negative one run diff and pythag, and far and away the most unearned runs/error. Interesting to note that their FRat/X isn't too far off, but still below the rating.
As for the "lucky" teams, Jeep has owned one runs games and his pythag is high. These two things typically go hand-in-hand so maybe that's double counting. Maybe his team is built to win one run games. In addition, the Frat/X is high. AT has done well in one run games and fielding for the next highest. I'm not sure if +/- 3 is enough to be "lucky" or "unlucky".
I haven't had a chance yet to compare to the ratings.
Any comments on this?