Fri Mar 03, 2023 9:01 pm
Post your team name and where it is from so there are no dupes.
1) F.O.X - Logan's Run of The Mill Team - From the 1976 film starring the unforgettable Farrah Fawcett.
2) The Biomechanical Man - The Last Men on Earth (from the hysterical Last Man on Earth show starring Will Forte)
3) visick- 9 (Not 12) Monkeys
4) FOGGYONE -Liner Against The Wall-E
5) RangerJoe -Soylent Green Is People
6) bob711 - Night of the Living Dead Arm - Self Explanatory
7) MEAT - Zombieland Mad Cows woody and murray will manage
8) ehlekev - Damnation Alley Roaches (1977 -apocalyptic survival movie - survivors trek across America only to pass through Salt Lake City which had been overrun by giant metal-clad indestructible cockroaches - hence my team name).
9) uncle ny - (The) Babe's Marathon Men
10) cminton - Fieldston's Empire Strikes Back
11) Mr Baseball World -
12) bigmahon - Clockwork Angels - from the Rush album and novel by Kevin Anderson and Neil Peart