I sent Evan a PM and he did not respond. Not a god sign. So, I am going to post a message for a replacement for nythawk on the main board. Can't wait forever.
bbasebrawl has agreed to take nythawk's team on for now and will relenquish it back for Season 2 is nythawk wishes. If not he will continue on as a new owner. As a new owner he has the right to change ballparks.
I have team loaded,,,,,, I believe there is one pick left for Hawk on free agent draft .. Let me know if that is correct and I will make a selection
The Turtle wrote:bbasebrawl has agreed to take nythawk's team on for now and will relenquish it back for Season 2 is nythawk wishes. If not he will continue on as a new owner. As a new owner he has the right to change ballparks.
thechamp87 wrote:The Original 24 TKL 2012 Season Password is: slider
The Midwest can load.
Cubit Buzz Spider Page 2 SjKorte cshannajr
I'm in...but the league shows no DH. Can that be changed or will everyone have to reload their teams? I'd prefer no DH, but that rule was changed last year, I think.
A correction needs to be made to Hawks roster as it is currently showing he has hawksworth but Hawk released him before the free agent draft . Bud Norris was drafted by Hawk during the free agent draft in round 6 and needs to be added to roster...