viewtopic.php?f=5&t=646716&p=5734084&sid=3a04e6331ae6ec6836659b25af47cbe9#p5734078The following numbers represent the 12 owners as seeds. The 1-4 seeds represent team owners who drafted 9-12 in the FA draft just winding down - and so on. So here's how it will work for 2020...
Here is your sequence:
3 - Willmurr24 - drafts 9th
4 - Fredpaii - drafts 10th
2 - Eddie E - drafts 11th
1 - Ghost - drafts 12th
Timestamp: 2020-01-04 22:12:15 UTC
Here is your sequence:
6 - Rant - drafts 5th
8 - Bigmahon - drafts 6th
7 - Tim Klucenic - drafts 7th
5 - doug_tucker10 - drafts 8th
Timestamp: 2020-01-04 22:13:09 UTC
Here is your sequence:
12 - Lakeviewdave - drafts 1st
10 - Zim13 - drafts 2nd
11 - Terry101 - drafts 3rd
9 - Madal - drafts 4th
Timestamp: 2020-01-04 22:13:40 UTC
2020 Prospect Team Draft Order1 - Lakeviewdave
2 - Zim13
3 - Terry101
4 - Madal
5 - Rant
6 - Bigmahon
7 - Tim Klucenic
8 - doug_tucker10
9 - Willmurr24
10 -Fredpaii
11 -Eddie E
12 -Ghost