Sun Feb 11, 2024 7:26 pm
I don't believe Means is eligible.
Section 10.02 FREE AGENT ELIGIBILITY: Unsigned carded players from the previous SOM 365 season, and players with more than 6 years of service time and an expiring contract, are eligible for free agency. In addition, MLB players who were uncarded the previous SOM 365 season, and who had at least 50 at bats or 30 innings pitched during the current MLB season, will be eligible for free agency. [Note, this means that players with no MLB experience prior to the 2022 MLB season, but who are carded in the SOM 2022 season, are still considered prospects and not free agents for the purpose of our annual prospect draft]. If you sign a player and SOM either does not produce a card for that player, or produces an unleashed card, you are still responsible for their contract.