Ice Cream/Peanuts/Hot Dog- Chat/Transactions

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Re: Ice Cream/Peanuts/Hot Dog- Chat/Transactions

PostThu May 28, 2020 5:19 pm

fredpaii wrote:Dave, I need you to communicate with people in our league in a more friendly manor. And it would be great if you would own your abrasiveness. I can't communicate with you any longer because you've been so abusive with me in your PM's in the past. I believe others have had similar experiences with they simply no longer respond to your trade offers. For me it's been so bad I recently asked for someone in the league to take over the role of Commissioner. Am I too sensitive? Maybe. But I believe there is good reason for that.

Fred - communication takes two or more people. We don’t get along, so be it, your PM’s I have found offensive and don’t even both to contact you about anything anymore. I had taken a quieter approach in dealing with you but you opened yourself up to some response now.

Its been pretty quiet in this league since season ended, so I guess you must referring to the lack of messages in this league. You want to berate trades that have been made in the league months after they occur, very classy, especially for being the commish of this league that you created. If you have issues bring them up when they happen. I asked Tim if he would elaborate on the trades and he did and went into alot of details on his thinking and not one response from you or anyone else. Perhaps you have a personal vendetta versus me, or perhaps your not pleased that we have met in the playoffs a few times this year and its not worked out so well for your team, whatever the reason, I can deal with it, I am not getting into a war of words with you or anyone else, sometimes it best to stay calm as I have, but I needed to make some response after being singled out. I'm not forcing anyone into a trade, we are all capable of making decisions that we can live with, I guess you and a few others see that differently, to each their own. Forceful, abusive, abrasiveness, etc., I feel the same about your PM's as well.


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Re: Ice Cream/Peanuts/Hot Dog- Chat/Transactions

PostThu May 28, 2020 5:36 pm

Sorry to hear of your childhood problems. Nobody should have to go through that, but life is life whatever it deals us. I'm glad Fred, that you have rebounded which shows that you are good strong person. Continue to be that way.

In regards to trades in this league, why can't we get along. If you don't want to trade with Dave, don't or any other owner.
Trading is simple Economics. You have something that someone wants and doesn't have. They have something that you want and don't have. Let's make a deal! You hope the trade benefits both parties and you get what you want. You're hoping to better your team. Everyone has their reasons for trading. If you don't get what you want. Don't trade! If your trading partner gets the better end of the deal, you don't have to trade. If your willing to live with the trade, so be it. It is your choice. I've NEVER been bullied into a trade and won't be! I've never tried to "tank" my teams to get higher draft picks. I try to make good picks depending on what's available in building my team. Just like trades, it looks good on paper, no matter how much you've researched. It may or may not work out. It depends on the roll of the dice "HAL'" rolls. We're supposed to have fun in Strat. If not, I'll go back to the Board Game.
I hope we can put this issue behind us.



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Re: Ice Cream/Peanuts/Hot Dog- Chat/Transactions

PostThu May 28, 2020 5:43 pm

Dave, you are clueless. Absolutely clueless. I don't know what else to say. PLEASE do me and most of the league a huge favor and leave. Please leave! Wow.

Oh, and I never wanted you in this league. Of course you wound up getting your way anyway. Just leave. It would be a great favor. You are so full of shit, Dave.


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Re: Ice Cream/Peanuts/Hot Dog- Chat/Transactions

PostThu May 28, 2020 6:06 pm

Here's what is going to happen. In this league and in all my leagues I share with lakeviewdave...if Dave doesn't leave the league by Sunday night, 9pm, EST - I will. That includes the Pesos de beisbol league, the HCKL, and the Unleashed League as well.


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Re: Ice Cream/Peanuts/Hot Dog- Chat/Transactions

PostThu May 28, 2020 6:40 pm

timklucinec wrote:Fred,
Sorry to hear of your childhood problems. Nobody should have to go through that, but life is life whatever it deals us. I'm glad Fred, that you have rebounded which shows that you are good strong person. Continue to be that way.

In regards to trades in this league, why can't we get along. If you don't want to trade with Dave, don't or any other owner.
Trading is simple Economics. You have something that someone wants and doesn't have. They have something that you want and don't have. Let's make a deal! You hope the trade benefits both parties and you get what you want. You're hoping to better your team. Everyone has their reasons for trading. If you don't get what you want. Don't trade! If your trading partner gets the better end of the deal, you don't have to trade. If your willing to live with the trade, so be it. It is your choice. I've NEVER been bullied into a trade and won't be! I've never tried to "tank" my teams to get higher draft picks. I try to make good picks depending on what's available in building my team. Just like trades, it looks good on paper, no matter how much you've researched. It may or may not work out. It depends on the roll of the dice "HAL'" rolls. We're supposed to have fun in Strat. If not, I'll go back to the Board Game.
I hope we can put this issue behind us.


Well said Tim, looking forward to more trade banter in this and in other leagues. Guess some don't see it that way. ;)

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