Mega Mystery draft. Start loading 80s/90s leagues

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Re: Mega Mystery Card draft. It's your pick... that's right,

PostThu Sep 20, 2012 4:41 pm

You know the Prime 9 show on MLB where they list their top 9 at whatever category they happen to be doing? I saw one recently they did on the best players by position for the 70s. I agree with franky that Concepcion was the best SS of the 70s but they picked Toby Harrah as the best 70s SS. You may be able to argue that he was the best SS with the bat but at least according to SOM he was nowhere close with the glove.


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Re: Mega Mystery Card draft. It's your pick... that's right,

PostThu Sep 20, 2012 4:46 pm

There really weren't any "great" SS in the 70s. When Concepcion and Bowa are the top, that isn't good. If we were drafting live people, instead of statistical constructs, I'd take Ozzie Smith first in any draft. He was just amazing to see live, and he was head and shoulders above anyone else with the glove in any era. And he was a gracious guy...which means a lot to me. Can't stand arrogant millionaires who are rude to the fans.


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Re: Mega Mystery Card draft. It's your pick... that's right,

PostThu Sep 20, 2012 4:54 pm

I loved Ozzie Smith and tried to play SS just like he did. But I was smart enough not to try one of those flips he did.

Unlike many these days, I like defense and pitching, which is one more reason I like the 1-0 game 7 Twins win.


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Re: Mega Mystery Card draft. It's your pick... that's right,

PostThu Sep 20, 2012 5:04 pm

I have BB's 2nd proxy, but it is the exact same type of player he took last round, so, again, I'm going to hold off. We are getting to a strange stage of the draft. Most of us are cap crippled. What happens if someone goofs and goes over the cap...or they don't have enough room left to even fill out lineup with .75 guys?


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Re: Mega Mystery Card draft. It's your pick... that's right,

PostThu Sep 20, 2012 5:09 pm

sent 2 proxies for next pick. Will be off for a few hours.


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Re: Mega Mystery Card draft. It's your pick... that's right,

PostThu Sep 20, 2012 5:11 pm

OK, I never saw Toby Harrah. I vaguely recall he played on the Rangers and/or the Indians. Cable didn't exist back then and those teams didn't make game of the week too often. I lived in Cincy and I saw tons of Concepcion. Really outstanding range and the pioneer of the bounce throw to 1st off the carpet. Morgan was absolutely terrific at 2nd. With those guys up the middle, Clay Kirby almost looked like a major league pitcher. I think Concepcion was probably the best combination of range and hitting at short until Ripken came along.

Of course, I loved watching Ozzie Smith, and yeah, a better fielder than Concepcion or anyone else playing around then.


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Re: Mega Mystery Card draft. It's your pick... that's right,

PostThu Sep 20, 2012 5:45 pm

moodinator123 wrote:What happens if someone goofs and goes over the cap...or they don't have enough room left to even fill out lineup with .75 guys?

I have my spreadsheet set up to where if that happens, I'll know as soon as I enter the player in. We'll have to pause the draft and have the person repick.
I have all empty slots filled in with .75 salaries simulating a team filled out with all cheapies. If someone makes a draft that would make it impossible to fill out the draft card, I'll know.
I can tend to fall behind on my spreadsheet updating though, so there is a chance I may not notice right away.

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Re: Mega Mystery Card draft. It's your pick... that's right,

PostThu Sep 20, 2012 6:03 pm

Round 31
franky35 - Plantier 90's (proxy)
RICHARDGAGNON(herge)- Campeneris 70's (proxy)
djkalle - Leon Roberts 80's
yellow_dog - Tony Clark 90s
Rigged Splits - Mark Loretta 90s
LMBombers - Ken Phelps 80s
voovits - Chris Hoiles 90s (proxy)
moodinator123- Bernie Carbo 70s
bigdinkent - Luis Polonia 80s
Billings Ballers - Dale Murphy 70s
Paul_Long71 - Ellie Hendricks 70s
ggrover15- John Wathan - 80's

Round 32
ggrover15- Steve Howe 80's
Paul_Long71 - Steve Sax 80s
Billings Ballers - B Kison 80s
bigdinkent -
moodinator123 -
voovits -
LMBombers -
Rigged Splits -
yellow_dog -
djkalle -


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Re: Mega Mystery Card draft. It's your pick... that's right,

PostThu Sep 20, 2012 6:16 pm

voovits wrote:
moodinator123 wrote:What happens if someone goofs and goes over the cap...or they don't have enough room left to even fill out lineup with .75 guys?

I have my spreadsheet set up to where if that happens, I'll know as soon as I enter the player in. We'll have to pause the draft and have the person repick.
I have all empty slots filled in with .75 salaries simulating a team filled out with all cheapies. If someone makes a draft that would make it impossible to fill out the draft card, I'll know.
I can tend to fall behind on my spreadsheet updating though, so there is a chance I may not notice right away.

then I'll ask again, can someone please send me a spreadsheet with everyone's picks on it. I lost track many rounds ago. I do have a spreadsheet with all of the possible players and have been editing it as picks get made but forgot to update the owner spreadsheet.


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Re: Mega Mystery Card draft. It's your pick... that's right,

PostThu Sep 20, 2012 6:21 pm

check for bigdinkent's proxies. He did not send it to me.

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