BDWard wrote:Since I wasn't in the last league, I don't have access to league mail. Dennis has done a pretty good job of keeping me informed via email.
I've learned that Jon mistakenly thought that the cap had been raised to $140 mil due to that being the stated cap amount on Diamond Dope and that Jon drafted accordingly. I can understand how one would assume that the cap would be $140 mil, as Diamond Dope only supports standard caps and does not support intermediate caps.
I drafted my team in accordance with the $110 mil cap, as that cap was posted here and I received emails stating that the cap was $110 mil.
However, I sympathize with Jon over the confusion created by the $140 mil cap set on Diamond Dope. Now he has to redo virtually his whole team.
I believe that there are plenty of good players left and that it's still possible to revamp the team into a winner at the $110 mil cap. Just for the fun and challenge of it, I'm willing to trade my team for Jon's team right now with the stipulation that I could fill out my draft card as I see fit with players not drafted on Diamond Dope and would not have to include all of the players Jon drafted on my draft card.
A trade like this is pretty much unprecedented, but we all play this game for fun and the challenge and this wold certainly be unique. Further, it would help reduce the impact on Jon of an innocent mistake.
What do you say Jon, are you game?
Please let me know ASAP so that there is no delay in getting my team, whichever one it may be, in the league. - Bernie
You guys truly are unbelievable. The answer is NO Bernie, but I do appreciate the offer and the honor you display in making it. I am already down under $110 Mil and putting the final touches on the Roster wish list. Thanks Dennis for the encouragement and spilling your oh so precious "minutes" on me today!
And Mikey of the Bailey? I have some fine print just for you on my oh so soft toilet paper I'd be happy to rub a dub dub your nose with ...
Go ahead with your original Barry Bonds roster BD. I'll entertain any and all serious trade offers once the League opens for real tonight or whenever everyone gets loaded ... so to speak.