JMP1 wrote:I would like to join if you still have an opening.
JMP1 (Jay)
Hey Jay,
glad to have you aboard. Hopefully you're ready for a Live Draft!
You'll be drafting in the #7 spot and playing in the Central. If you haven't read the first post in this thread, you should for some ground rules on the draft and such. (gmac, you should also)
gmac and JMP can you send me an email to joethejet at iwon dot com? It's helpful to have everyone's email addys. Thanks.
Ok, I think we can finally get started. My only caveat is to ask for some slack on Thursday and Friday this week and Monday morning as I will be traveling. I will try to check in on my phone, but since I'm with my family, there will be times when I will be unavailable. This will be especially true on Friday when I'll be at Magic Mountain. Now, given the time it will take to start up and that the first round has no clock, it may not be an issue, but I wanted to put that out there.
Stoney, do you want to start things up?