The "Original" 24 TKL

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Re: The "Original" 24 TKL

PostWed Nov 06, 2013 12:52 am


I personally like the lottery and would like to see it kept. Also some sort of up date from the commish would be nice.


The Turtle

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Re: The "Original" 24 TKL

PostWed Nov 06, 2013 3:46 pm

Rant wrote:Didn't we get rid of that lottery yet? Seems like an unneeded hassle to me. The Commish already has a heavy lift in this league.

If we haven't already, I suggest we vote on the elimination of the draft lottery, and begin using the previous season's won-loss record (combined two seasons played during the past calendar year); worst to first; same tiebreaks, etc.

It is rather a pain in the arse, but the dates from the lottery are easily available if we do continue it and I can update it at anytime, it is not like we are in a huge rush for it. We have 4 months to plan.


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Re: The "Original" 24 TKL

PostThu Nov 07, 2013 6:04 pm

I like the lottery as well as it helps, at least somewhat, to deter tanking.

I would be happy to help out looking up the numbers and posting them here or anything else you might need help with as well Turtle. I know it is a pain.


The Turtle

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Re: The "Original" 24 TKL

PostFri Nov 08, 2013 4:58 pm

hveed wrote:I like the lottery as well as it helps, at least somewhat, to deter tanking.

I would be happy to help out looking up the numbers and posting them here or anything else you might need help with as well Turtle. I know it is a pain.


if you want, adding the 2 seasons and double checking is the tedious work. I can get it done this week though.


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Re: The "Original" 24 TKL

PostSat Nov 09, 2013 12:30 pm

Hi everyone. With deep sadness, I am going to have sell my TKL franchise. I changed jobs last month and I will not have access to Strato from work which makes message board drafts very difficult. Also, I will be working more hours and just won't have time for so many keeper leagues. TKL was one of the last keepers I joined (a couple seasons ago).

I wanted to retire from TKL now so that you have time to search for a replacement team owner.

Sorry for the inconvenience. I've never had to leave a keeper before. It kind of sucks.



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Re: The "Original" 24 TKL

PostSun Nov 10, 2013 3:18 am

Understand what you are going through. Sorry to see you go. Take care.

Tim K


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Re: The "Original" 24 TKL

PostSun Nov 10, 2013 2:24 pm


Sorry to see you go. Good luck.



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Re: The "Original" 24 TKL

PostSun Nov 10, 2013 3:27 pm

Lottery is important-a s mentioned it prevents tanking--

Here are the results for the upcoming draft in the spring:

24. Tim L 122-202
23. hveed 123-201 lost tie breaker (1-11) H to H
22. Cubit 123-201 won tie breaker (11-1) H to H
21. JoshFlanagan 147-177
20. nythhawk129921 148-176
19. this is ray 149-175
18. Mr. BBW 152-172
17 .Kev (leaving) 153-171 lost tie breaker (5-7) H to H
16. Terry101 153-171 won tie breaker (7-5) H to H
15. hk mossy 157-167
14. Spider 67 158-166
13. Michael G 159-165
12. fredpaii 160-162
11. STEVEKORTE 161-163 lost tie breaker (5-7) H to H
10. Page2 161-163 lost tie breaker (7-5) H to H
9. GBrooks 163-161
8. buzz082308 169-155
7. Sknsfan 172-152
6. Rant 175-149
5. The Turtle 179-145
4. blsmith 183-141
3. qksilver69 188-136
2. The Champ87 216-108
1. Cshannajr 218-106

Anyone can check for mistakes, otherwise should be good to go


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Re: The "Original" 24 TKL

PostMon Nov 11, 2013 11:18 am

I got 148 for thisisray, but everything else came out the same. Can you double check Terry?


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Re: The "Original" 24 TKL

PostMon Nov 11, 2013 9:32 pm

hveed wrote:I got 148 for thisisray, but everything else came out the same. Can you double check Terry?

You are correct. thisisray is 148, ties with nythawk, wins the tiebreaker 6-0 H to H, stays at 19. Thanks for checking.

Here are the results for the upcoming draft in the spring:

24. Tim L 122-202
23. hveed 123-201 lost tie breaker (1-11) H to H
22. Cubit 123-201 won tie breaker (11-1) H to H
21. JoshFlanagan 147-177
20. nythhawk129921 148-176 lost tiebreaker (0-6) H to H
19. this is ray 148-175 won tiebreaker(6-0) H to H
18. Mr. BBW 152-172
17 .Kev (leaving) 153-171 lost tie breaker (5-7) H to H
16. Terry101 153-171 won tie breaker (7-5) H to H
15. hk mossy 157-167
14. Spider 67 158-166
13. Michael G 159-165
12. fredpaii 160-162
11. STEVEKORTE 161-163 lost tie breaker (5-7) H to H
10. Page2 161-163 lost tie breaker (7-5) H to H
9. GBrooks 163-161
8. buzz082308 169-155
7. Sknsfan 172-152
6. Rant 175-149
5. The Turtle 179-145
4. blsmith 183-141
3. qksilver69 188-136
2. The Champ87 216-108
1. Cshannajr 218-106

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