Moneyball Baseball League Chat

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Re: Moneyball Baseball League Chat

PostMon Jul 05, 2021 12:00 am

Question for you Philip. The rules say that regular players can only be released before free agency, both winter and supplemental, and after an unbalanced trade. What about when promoting a prospect between seasons 1 and 2? Can we drop a player and promote the prospect now, and then after that's done, drop up to 3 players to make room for free agents? Or are we limited to the 3 drops and any promoted prospects would fill some of those spots?


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Re: Moneyball Baseball League Chat

PostMon Jul 05, 2021 12:29 am

Old I'll wait for Phil but my understanding is that it's the latter situation. You can cut up to 3 players maximum, and then fill those 3 slots with either prospect promotions, supplemental FA's, or a combination of both. But you can only cut 3.


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Re: Moneyball Baseball League Chat

PostMon Jul 05, 2021 12:32 am

And to state another clarification here that Phil answered for me privately a while back.

If I sign a supplemental FA for 2 years, that means I control him for this 2nd season this year, plus both seasons for next year, but that's it. A total of 3 seasons: season 2 this year, plus 1-2 next year. This differs from a "regular" FA signed before season 1. In that situation, you get him for all 4 seasons.

Phil please confirm here thanks.


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Re: Moneyball Baseball League Chat

PostMon Jul 05, 2021 2:33 am

I vote “no” on Phil’s proposal to eliminate the Supp FA draft


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Re: Moneyball Baseball League Chat

PostMon Jul 05, 2021 10:10 am

The 4th of July is here, the burgers and dogs have been consumed and the fireworks will soon be watched, so that means it's time to get ready for SEASON TWO of the Moneyball Baseball League. We have a supplemental Free Agent signing period coming up, so I will post a thread for team drops. Once players have been dropped we will then begin the free agent signing period. It works just like the regular signing period.

I think the supplemental free agent signing period is unnecessary in our league format and I would like to end it after this one, therefore I am proposing the following rule change:

I propose that we eliminate the supplemental free agent signing period from the rules beginning in the 2021 SOM Card Season (ie. 2022 league seasons).

teamnasty -- no
baseball cfo --
Paul_Long71 -- yes
sociophil -- yes
madal --
EvilSpock --
mykbr1 -- no
dharmabums --
chilliards --
paul j kiggins --
oldmansmith2 --
beesore --


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Re: Moneyball Baseball League Chat

PostMon Jul 05, 2021 12:45 pm

The 4th of July is here, the burgers and dogs have been consumed and the fireworks will soon be watched, so that means it's time to get ready for SEASON TWO of the Moneyball Baseball League. We have a supplemental Free Agent signing period coming up, so I will post a thread for team drops. Once players have been dropped we will then begin the free agent signing period. It works just like the regular signing period.

I think the supplemental free agent signing period is unnecessary in our league format and I would like to end it after this one, therefore I am proposing the following rule change:

I propose that we eliminate the supplemental free agent signing period from the rules beginning in the 2021 SOM Card Season (ie. 2022 league seasons).

teamnasty -- no
baseball cfo --
Paul_Long71 -- yes
sociophil -- yes
madal --
EvilSpock --
mykbr1 -- no
dharmabums -- yes
chilliards --
paul j kiggins --
oldmansmith2 --
beesore --

paul j kiggins

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Re: Moneyball Baseball League Chat

PostMon Jul 05, 2021 7:32 pm

Posts: 2194
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Location: Sedona, AZ
Re: Moneyball Baseball League Chat
Unread postMon Jul 05, 2021 12:45 pm

The 4th of July is here, the burgers and dogs have been consumed and the fireworks will soon be watched, so that means it's time to get ready for SEASON TWO of the Moneyball Baseball League. We have a supplemental Free Agent signing period coming up, so I will post a thread for team drops. Once players have been dropped we will then begin the free agent signing period. It works just like the regular signing period.

I think the supplemental free agent signing period is unnecessary in our league format and I would like to end it after this one, therefore I am proposing the following rule change:

I propose that we eliminate the supplemental free agent signing period from the rules beginning in the 2021 SOM Card Season (ie. 2022 league seasons).

teamnasty -- no
baseball cfo --
Paul_Long71 -- yes
sociophil -- yes
madal --
EvilSpock --
mykbr1 -- no
dharmabums -- yes
chilliards --
paul j kiggins --yes
oldmansmith2 --
beesore --

baseball cfo

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Re: Moneyball Baseball League Chat

PostTue Jul 06, 2021 8:19 am

The 4th of July is here, the burgers and dogs have been consumed and the fireworks will soon be watched, so that means it's time to get ready for SEASON TWO of the Moneyball Baseball League. We have a supplemental Free Agent signing period coming up, so I will post a thread for team drops. Once players have been dropped we will then begin the free agent signing period. It works just like the regular signing period.

I think the supplemental free agent signing period is unnecessary in our league format and I would like to end it after this one, therefore I am proposing the following rule change:

I propose that we eliminate the supplemental free agent signing period from the rules beginning in the 2021 SOM Card Season (ie. 2022 league seasons).

teamnasty -- no
baseball cfo -- yes
Paul_Long71 -- yes
sociophil -- yes
madal --
EvilSpock --
mykbr1 -- no
dharmabums -- yes
chilliards --
paul j kiggins --yes
oldmansmith2 --
beesore --


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Re: Moneyball Baseball League Chat

PostTue Jul 06, 2021 8:23 pm

teamnasty -- no
baseball cfo -- yes
Paul_Long71 -- yes
sociophil -- yes
madal --
EvilSpock --
mykbr1 -- no
dharmabums -- yes
chilliards --
paul j kiggins --yes
oldmansmith2 --
beesore -- no


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Re: Moneyball Baseball League Chat

PostTue Jul 06, 2021 10:01 pm

Section 7.04    Regular players can be released from the 40 man roster only for the following reasons:
(a)     pre-draft release prior to the Annual winter free agent draft
(b)     pre-draft release prior to the Supplemental free agent draft
(c)     to bring a roster down to the 40 man limit as a result of an unbalanced transaction.
(d)     teams are responsible for the remaining contract, if any, of released players.

You can use one of your three releases to promote a prospect.

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