Sat Apr 27, 2013 12:58 am
If you only want to draft to 30 players, that is an option that a manager may choose. For those that want to draft to 35, the draft will continue.
The idea of the bench draft, was to give the bottom feeders (ie teams like mine) a chance at picking up an extra arm or bat that may help decide a few games over the course of the season, but more than that, it was to help cover for injury losses. (See owners of reyes in other keeper leagues.)
Let us not forget, this is a keeper league, some them scrubs this year, may get some useable card next year.
We hafta drop players anyway for next years FA draft, so i dont care if ya dont wanna draft all 35 players, thats on each owner to decide. But I m with Fred, why waste an opportunity to draft someone.