The "Original" 24 TKL

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Re: The "Original" 24 TKL

PostSat Jan 18, 2014 2:55 pm

I've seen it from different people, so I am not trying to single anyone out, but this is a good example.

I keep a roster sheet separate from the TKL Googledoc. I keep it up to date by going chronologically through posts. So if something (i.e. cuts) changes on a post that is buried in the past, I may not see it. I don't mean to speak for Turtle, but he probably would have the same difficulty.

On a somewhat related note, I am still trying to figure out who really owns Matt Thornton. According to the Googledoc he belongs to Rant, but on Jan 12 Tim asked that Thornton be put on his roster due to a trade. Yet when Tim announced his roster and cuts, I didn't see Thornton anywhere. Also, I didn't see Thornton on the trade post form December 20 that Tim referenced in his Jan 12 post, so I assume Thornton still belongs to Rant.

I am not trying to be a nag... sometimes it just works out that way :) Thanks.

The Turtle

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Re: The "Original" 24 TKL

PostSat Jan 18, 2014 3:14 pm

Thornton belongs to Rant, he was never announced as part of the deal. TimK was mistaken I guess.


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Re: The "Original" 24 TKL

PostSat Jan 18, 2014 3:20 pm

Yes, I was. I misread the trade. My bad for the confusion.

Tim K


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Re: The "Original" 24 TKL

PostSat Jan 18, 2014 3:50 pm

Ok cool, thanks for clearing that up :)


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Re: The "Original" 24 TKL

PostSat Jan 18, 2014 5:15 pm

You are most welcome.
Tim K


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Re: The "Original" 24 TKL

PostSat Jan 18, 2014 6:06 pm

Looking to trade Sabathia for an FA pick or two.


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On The Block

PostSat Jan 18, 2014 6:20 pm

I would be willing to consider moving Jose Bautista in a deal that would get me a significant upgrade at 2B, CF or 1B.

Also on the block...:
Catchers Humberto Quintero or Jose Molina - solid defenders, light but balanced hitters
Ryan Roberts - versatile player who has excellent power in the LH hitting half of a platoon
Paul Maholm
Josh Willingham
Delmon Young
Chris Nelson
Darin Mastroianni

...and players that I expect to cut include
Bryan Petersen (nc)
Emmanuel Burriss (nc)
Cole Devries (nc)
Guillermo Moscoso
Josh Lindblom
Josh Kinney (nc)
Jason Berken (nc)

Things I am looking for in minor deals include middle infield depth, bench speed, prospect or FA draft picks, LH relief pitching, end-of-rotation starting pitching, prospects

Not many players on my roster are off limits, but there are a few guys that fit my strategy and that I would prefer to keep.


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Re: The "Original" 24 TKL

PostSat Jan 18, 2014 7:13 pm

Well here are my definite cuts:

Brian Roberts
Johnny giavotella
Lucas duda
Jordan Pacheco
Logan forsythe
Tommy Milone
John jay
Matt Capps
Colby Lewis

Possible cuts or possible trades
Adam ottavino
Brett Cecil
Tim Collins
Alfredo Simon
Felix doubront
Bruce Chen



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Re: The "Original" 24 TKL

PostSat Jan 18, 2014 8:31 pm

Would someone please post the draft order? I have no idea where to look for it. Since I'm trying to trade for draft picks, I would like to know what I am being offered.

Also, sorry to be vague, but if I post or PM an asking price for Sabathia, I'm not going to get better. All of you can find a place for him on your roster if the price was right from your perspective - let me know what that price is. If that's not good from my perspective, you've lost 3 minutes of your life. I have plenty of roster space, he is not going for a backup C price.

The Turtle

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Re: The "Original" 24 TKL

PostSat Jan 18, 2014 9:18 pm


1. Cubit
2. Rant (from Tim K)
3. hveed
4. JoshFlanagan
5. nythhawk
6. Rant (from thisisray)
7. Mr. BBW
8. Roscodog
9. Terry101
10. hk mossy
11. Spider 67
12. Michael G
13. Rburgh
15. Page2
16. GBrooks
17. GBrooks (from Buzz)
18. Calbatross
19. Rant
20. GBrooks (from The Turtle)
21. Roscodog (from blsmith)
22. qksilver69
23. The Champ87
24. Cshannajr

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