I've seen it from different people, so I am not trying to single anyone out, but this is a good example.
I keep a roster sheet separate from the TKL Googledoc. I keep it up to date by going
chronologically through posts. So if something (i.e. cuts) changes on a post that is buried in the past, I may not see it. I don't mean to speak for Turtle, but he probably would have the same difficulty.
On a somewhat related note, I am still trying to figure out who really owns Matt Thornton. According to the Googledoc he belongs to Rant, but on Jan 12 Tim asked that Thornton be put on his roster due to a trade. Yet when Tim announced his roster and cuts, I didn't see Thornton anywhere. Also, I didn't see Thornton on the trade post form December 20 that Tim referenced in his Jan 12 post, so I assume Thornton still belongs to Rant.
I am not trying to be a nag... sometimes it just works out that way
