Retirement randomizer -
first run 2,3,12,9,1,5,8,11,10,6,4,7
1) 2. B hitters
2) 3. W,O,Y hitters
3) 12. H,F,U pitchers
4) 9. L,N,P pitchers
5) 1. M hitters
6) 5. D,F,I hitters
7) 8. R,W,Z pitchers
8) 11. S,A,Y pitchers
9) 10. G,K,E,O,V pitchers
10) 6. S hitters
11) 4. R,A,Q hitters
12) 7. G, K hitters
second run 5,10,7,3,9,4,6,12,11,8,1,2
M hitters retire after season 31New player group to be added for season 31 randomizer -
first run 2,1
1) 2. C, D, Q pitchers
2) 1. P, T, V hitters
second run 1,2
C, D, Q pitchers will become eligible for season 32Musial, Mays, Mantle, McGwire, McCovey, Myatt, Mondesi, Mauer, Myer, Mantilla, Mathews, Montero, Martin, McAnany, Marshall, Mills, Martinez, Mercado, Mack, Medwick, McGee, McAuliffe.....all preparing to retire (if not named keepers)
Clemens, Carlton, Chance, Camnitz, Charleton, Chesbro, Clarkson, Ciccotte, Cone Covaleski, Darling, Darwin, Davis, Dean, Drabowski, Drysedale, Quinn, Quisenberry and others becoming available for season 32.
Prior retirees include:
season 26 B and J pitchers
season 27 C and U hitters
season 28 H, E, and Z hitters
season 29 L, J, and N hitters
season 30 M and T pitchers