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Half Team Keeper League - Loading Teams

PostPosted: Thu May 16, 2013 9:48 pm
by geekor
ArrylT used to run a 5 - 1/2 team keeper league that was one of my favorites. You know where you pick 5 1/2 teams, so you end up with 2 hitting and 3 pitching, or 3 hitting and 2 pitching of the same teams each season.

I am going to make it a 7 season commitment, so we will go from 2007-2013.

100 mil, DH, 2007-2013, unleashed when available, 5/10/20, trades allowed as long as at least 20+ of your players are from your 5 halves, stadium can be different each season, but must be from one of your 5 halves. Start each new season at the half way point of the season before it.

1st 4 rounds are randomized serpentine draft, last round will be re-randomized for fairness. Vets are preferred (knowing they won't drop out) but anyone is welcome. Please be aware this is a 7 season commitment, so make sure you are willing to commit to that!

BTW, since I didn't mention it, we will just use the random division each season.

Round 1

1. WJS6768
2. Paul_Long71
4. CATom
5. Zim
6. jodynadu
7. keyzick
8. Michael G
9. Dr. Publix
10. geekor
11. oldhat2
12. mk_reds_fan

Re: Half Team Keeper League - Drafting

PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2013 1:53 am
by Michael Grammes
prob should mention (remind) everyone i assume we are starting with the '07 cards yes?

Re: Half Team Keeper League - Drafting

PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2013 5:49 am
by WJS6768
Round 1

1. WJS6768 - New York Yankees - Hitting
2. Paul_Long71
4. CATom
5. Zim
6. jodynadu
7. keyzick
8. Michael G
9. Dr. Publix
10. geekor
11. oldhat2
12. mk_reds_fan

Re: Half Team Keeper League - Drafting

PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2013 9:18 am
by Paul_Long71
1. WJS6768 - New York Yankees - Hitting
2. Paul_Long71 - Boston - Hitting
4. CATom
5. Zim
6. jodynadu
7. keyzick
8. Michael G
9. Dr. Publix
10. geekor
11. oldhat2
12. mk_reds_fan

Re: Half Team Keeper League - Drafting

PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2013 9:45 am
by geekor
Yes start with 07 and work up to 13 right about the time the new cards are out I hope

Re: Half Team Keeper League - Drafting

PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2013 10:26 am
by the splinter
1. WJS6768 - New York Yankees - Hitting
2. Paul_Long71 - Boston - Hitting
3. THE SPLINTER Mil Brewers Hitting
4. CATom
5. Zim
6. jodynadu
7. keyzick
8. Michael G
9. Dr. Publix
10. geekor
11. oldhat2
12. mk_reds_fan

Re: Half Team Keeper League - Drafting

PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2013 11:11 am
by CATom
1. WJS6768 - New York Yankees - Hitting
2. Paul_Long71 - Boston - Hitting
3. THE SPLINTER - Mil Brewers Hitting
4. CATom - Atlanta Braves Pitching.
5. Zim
6. jodynadu
7. keyzick
8. Michael G
9. Dr. Publix
10. geekor
11. oldhat2
12. mk_reds_fan

Re: Half Team Keeper League - Drafting

PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2013 12:03 pm
1. WJS6768 - New York Yankees - Hitting
2. Paul_Long71 - Boston - Hitting
3. THE SPLINTER - Mil Brewers Hitting
4. CATom - Atlanta Braves Pitching.
5. Zim - St. Louis - Hitting
6. jodynadu
7. keyzick
8. Michael G
9. Dr. Publix
10. geekor
11. oldhat2
12. mk_reds_fan

Re: Half Team Keeper League - Drafting

PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2013 12:55 pm
by jodynadu
1. WJS6768 - New York Yankees - Hitting
2. Paul_Long71 - Boston - Hitting
3. THE SPLINTER - Mil Brewers Hitting
4. CATom - Atlanta Braves Pitching
5. Zim - St. Louis - Hitting
6. jodynadu - SF Pitching
7. keyzick
8. Michael G
9. Dr. Publix
10. geekor
11. oldhat2
12. mk_reds_fan

Re: Half Team Keeper League - Drafting

PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2013 1:52 pm
by keyzick
1. WJS6768 - New York Yankees - Hitting
2. Paul_Long71 - Boston - Hitting
3. THE SPLINTER - Mil Brewers Hitting
4. CATom - Atlanta Braves Pitching
5. Zim - St. Louis - Hitting
6. jodynadu - SF Pitching
7. keyzick - Texas Hitting
8. Michael G
9. Dr. Publix
10. geekor
11. oldhat2
12. mk_reds_fan