150M Franchise Theme..bontomn UP for NEL

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150M Franchise Theme..bontomn UP for NEL

PostSun Jun 01, 2014 11:09 am

The Teams:

Chicago (NL)
Boston/Atlanta/Mil (NL) Not Brewers
Cincinnati (NL)
Cleveland (AL)
Phi/KC/Oak (AL) Not Royals
Boston (AL)
Pittsburgh (NL)
St Louis (NL) not Browns
Brooklyn/LA (NL)
Phil (NL)

Random selections...last pick gets 1st pick of 1 NEL Player

Other Rules:
1. Highest card gets priority...however you can convert highest card to any one player has...ie Babe Ruth Red Sox card in the deck as pitcher can use Yankee card...

2. Any player that does not have a card for any of the franchises listed may be selected by any team he played for...ie Roger Maris Yankee card...can be selected by Cleveland/A's or Cards
Ken Griffey Jr to Reds. etc...you get the picture...

4. If a player has a card then only that team can use him but may use any card

5. Indians l can use Satchels Indians or NEL card...His NEL Card is verboten for any others +Indians get Quincy Troupe as an extra prize and still gets to choose a NEL player Too

6. Stadium from Franchise to be used

7. See more samples in original ATG Post

8. Random once complete...

1. drfreeze49-4
2. Musial6-8
3. Eva Maria-11
4. FrankM-7
5. bontomn-1
6. paul_long71-2
7. mrharryc-5
8. Samh0711-3
9. JMP1-6
11. Rube-12
12. Visick-10


4, 8, 11, 7, 1, 2, 5, 3, 6, 9, 12, 10
Last edited by drfreeze49 on Tue Jun 03, 2014 2:29 am, edited 17 times in total.


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Re: 150M Franchise Theme......Bontomn Up

PostSun Jun 01, 2014 2:35 pm

4, 8, 11, 7, 1, 2, 5, 3, 6, 9, 12, 10

The draft Order:

1. Bontomn
2. Paul Long 71
3. Samh071
4. drfreeze49
5. mrharryc
6. JMP1
7. FrankM
8. Musial6
9. JohnnyBlazers
10. Visick
11. Eva Maria
12. Rube
Rnd 2
NEL Players

1. Rube
2. Eva Maria
3. Visick
4. JohnnyBlazers
5. Musial6
6. FrankM
7. JMP1
8. MrharryC
9. drfreeze49
10. SAMH071
11. Paul Long71
12. Bontomn


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Re: 150M Franchise Theme......Dr. Freeze

PostSun Jun 01, 2014 2:36 pm

pm'd ya doc


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Re: 150M Franchise Theme......Dr. Freeze

PostSun Jun 01, 2014 2:48 pm

replied Paul


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Re: 150M Franchise Theme......Dr. Freeze

PostSun Jun 01, 2014 3:55 pm

The draft Order:

1. Bontomn - Boston Red Sox
2. Paul Long 71
3. Samh071
4. drfreeze49
5. mrharryc
6. JMP1
7. FrankM
8. Musial6
9. JohnnyBlazers
10. Visick
11. Eva Maria
12. Rube
Rnd 2
NEL Players

1. Rube
2. Eva Maria
3. Visick
4. JohnnyBlazers
5. Musial6
6. FrankM
7. JMP1
8. MrharryC
9. drfreeze49
10. SAMH071
11. Paul Long71
12. Bontomn


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Re: 150M Franchise Theme......Dr. Freeze

PostSun Jun 01, 2014 4:09 pm

The draft Order:

1. Bontomn - Boston Red Sox
2. Paul Long 71- New York/SF Giants
3. Samh071
4. drfreeze49
5. mrharryc
6. JMP1
7. FrankM
8. Musial6
9. JohnnyBlazers
10. Visick
11. Eva Maria
12. Rube
Rnd 2
NEL Players

1. Rube
2. Eva Maria
3. Visick
4. JohnnyBlazers
5. Musial6
6. FrankM
7. JMP1
8. MrharryC
9. drfreeze49
10. SAMH071
11. Paul Long71
12. Bontomn


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Re: 150M Franchise Theme......Dr. Freeze

PostSun Jun 01, 2014 4:11 pm

when we create, do we just choose "other" and type in 150M or do you want to go as 200M and stay honest. I assume the first one, but just making sure so i don't have to re-create my team



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Re: 150M Franchise Theme......Dr. Freeze

PostSun Jun 01, 2014 4:21 pm

Paul_Long71 wrote:when we create, do we just choose "other" and type in 150M or do you want to go as 200M and stay honest. I assume the first one, but just making sure so i don't have to re-create my team


After I place my 1st pick I will set up league w/password ...it will be 150 w/ dh


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Re: 150M Franchise Theme......Samh0711 UP

PostSun Jun 01, 2014 9:58 pm

1. Bontomn - Boston Red Sox
2. Paul Long 71- New York/SF Giants
3. Samh0711 - PHI/KC/OAK A's
4. drfreeze49
5. mrharryc
6. JMP1
7. FrankM
8. Musial6
9. JohnnyBlazers
10. Visick
11. Eva Maria
12. Rube
Rnd 2
NEL Players

1. Rube
2. Eva Maria
3. Visick
4. JohnnyBlazers
5. Musial6
6. FrankM
7. JMP1
8. MrharryC
9. drfreeze49
10. SAMH071
11. Paul Long71
12. Bontomn


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Re: 150M Franchise Theme......NEXT UP

PostSun Jun 01, 2014 10:04 pm

NOTE: League created 150M Theme League
p/w: freeze

Once I draft my NEL Player...I will log out then reenter with my pick

Good Luck all

1. Bontomn - Boston Red Sox
2. Paul Long 71- New York/SF Giants
3. Samh0711 - PHI/KC/OAK A's
4. drfreeze49-Cincinnati Reds
5. mrharryc
6. JMP1
7. FrankM
8. Musial6
9. JohnnyBlazers
10. Visick
11. Eva Maria
12. Rube
Rnd 2
NEL Players

1. Rube
2. Eva Maria
3. Visick
4. JohnnyBlazers
5. Musial6
6. FrankM
7. JMP1
8. MrharryC
9. drfreeze49
10. SAMH071
11. Paul Long71
12. Bontomn

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