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New Franchise League Load em up

PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 2:03 pm
by drfreeze49

High Card rules...
after Auto draft any player regardless if he has a card or not as long as they played for your franchise may be taken.
1 NEL player selected in reverse order of franchises) per team except:
Browns/O's: Willard Brown
Cleve: Paige/Troupe
Last team chosen gets 2 NEL players...

NO Yanks: Babe to Braves since...
NO Red Sox: Lajoie/Speaker rights to Indians...Ortiz to Twins
NO A's: See Lajoie above...Eddie Collins White Sox
No Giants: Mays Mets...Barry to Pirates
NO Cards: Hornsby Cubs

1. BKN/LA (NL)
Chi (NL)
3. Atlanta/Boston/Milwaukee (NL) No Brewers
4. PHI (NL)
5. Cin (NL)
6. Pitt (NL)
7. Chi (AL)
8. Minn/Wash pre '61
9. Clev (AL)
10. Det (AL) Lady Baldwin assigned
11. Balt/St Browns
12. Any of the remeining franchises remaining excluding the NO teams

Home field where your team played...trades only if they fit the rules:1. drfreeze49
2. Frank M
3. andycummings
4. nymets99
5. mrharryc
6. Brent65
7. bontomn
8. JoeyC
9. Musial6
10. reggie reigns
11. visick
12. Frank Bailey

FYI once Random Numbers are generated I will place the 1st number picked against the 1st player on the list and so there is no confusion

Re: New Franchise League

PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 2:20 pm
by drfreeze49
Random Numbers
6 8 3 9 4 12 10 5 11 1 7 2

1. drfreeze49 6
2. Frank M 8
3. andycummings 3
4. nymets99 9
5. mrharryc 4
6. Brent65 12
7. bontomn 10
8. JoeyC 5
9. Musial6 11
10. reggie reigns 1
11. visick 7
12. Frank Bailey 2

1. reggie reigns
2. Frank Bailey
3. andycummings
4. mrharryc
5. Joey C.
6. Drfreeze49
7. Visick (sorry ur snakebit)
8. FrankM
9. nymets99
10. bontomn
11. musial 6
12. Brent65

Re: New Franchise League REGGIE REIGNS UP

PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 2:29 pm
by drfreeze49
BTW if BRENT65 is unhappy with pick 12...I will swap with you for #6

Re: New Franchise League REGGIE REIGNS UP

PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 3:54 pm
by Musial6
How about #11? :shock:

Re: New Franchise League REGGIE REIGNS UP

PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 4:04 pm
by drfreeze49
Musial6 wrote:How about #11? :shock:

If Brent says "NO" I'll trade with ya

Re: New Franchise League REGGIE REIGNS UP

PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 4:36 pm
by reggie reigns
1. reggie reigns-Braves
2. Frank Bailey
3. andycummings
4. mrharryc
5. Joey C.
6. Drfreeze49
7. Visick (sorry ur snakebit)
8. FrankM
9. nymets99
10. bontomn
11. musial 6
12. Brent65

Re: New Franchise League Frank Bailey UP

PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 4:56 pm
by Frank Bailey
1. reggie reigns-Braves
2. Frank Bailey -- Cubs
3. andycummings
4. mrharryc
5. Joey C.
6. Drfreeze49
7. Visick (sorry ur snakebit)
8. FrankM
9. nymets99
10. bontomn
11. musial 6
12. Brent65

Re: New Franchise League Andy C. UP

PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 5:35 pm
by andycummings65
1. reggie reigns-Braves
2. Frank Bailey -- Cubs
3. andycummings -- Indians
4. mrharryc
5. Joey C.
6. Drfreeze49
7. Visick (sorry ur snakebit)
8. FrankM
9. nymets99
10. bontomn
11. musial 6
12. Brent65

Re: New Franchise League Mr Harry UP

PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 6:10 pm
by JoeyC
Will check back around 9 pm Central time tonight.


Re: New Franchise League Mr Harry UP

PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 9:11 pm
by Brent65
I will take your offer Drfreeze49 and take the 6th pick overall, thanks