4 Season Era vs. Era Unique Stadium 4 Player Keeper League 2
Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 1:12 pm
Here is our ILC. Where we will draft and communicate.
Could everyone sound in and let us know we all found this chat.
4 Season Campaign - Era Vs. Era 4 Player Keeper League #2
4 Season Commitment.
12 team League
Season 1 - $120 DH
Season 2 - $130 DH
Season 3 - $140 DH
Season 4 - $150 DH
Prior to Season 1 - we will conduct a 4 round draft in the Individual League Chat (ILC). Draft order will be determined by randomizer. In Round 1 the owner will select a UNIQUE stadium and then one player. ALL 4 players must be within PLUS or MINUS 20 years of the stadium, i.e. If Someone selects Royals Stadium '80 then ALL 4 Franchise players taken by that owner MUST have a card between 1960 and 2000. The 4 cards taken cannot be dropped and/or traded or changed to a different year during the entire 4 season campaign.
Once the 4 Round (Snake) draft is concluded then the first season and subsequent 3 follow on seasons will be conducted via Auto Draft in which each owner will be allowed to draft ANY 21 supplemental players from ANY era and franchise without restriction...Each owner will keep ALL 4 franchise players + UNIQUE stadium for ALL 4 seasons! The franchise players will be listed 22-25 on draft card.
NEL players will be assigned the year of 1940. Each owner that has a stadium between 1920 and 1960 will be able to draft a MAXIMUM of 1 NEL player to be included among their 4 Franchise players. All remaining NEL players will be available to ALL owners in the open 21 round Auto Draft each season.
Players before 1891 will be available to all owners in the auto draft.
Duplicate stadiums are allowed, but have to be different years.
After each season we will realign the divisions. The 4 playoff teams will be together in 1 division, then the next 4 teams with the highest records, then the final 4 teams with the lowest wins will make up the last division. This way will get 2 different teams in the playoffs each season after season 1.
A number of us have done several 4 season campaigns and it is quite fun, unique and even competitive.
Looking for owners that are willing to make an 8 month or so commitment and for the initial 4 round draft to stay on top of the draft so that we can complete it in about a week’s time. If this sounds like your cup of tea, please don't hesitate. Just copy and paste the sign up list in your response.
Could everyone sound in and let us know we all found this chat.
4 Season Campaign - Era Vs. Era 4 Player Keeper League #2
4 Season Commitment.
12 team League
Season 1 - $120 DH
Season 2 - $130 DH
Season 3 - $140 DH
Season 4 - $150 DH
Prior to Season 1 - we will conduct a 4 round draft in the Individual League Chat (ILC). Draft order will be determined by randomizer. In Round 1 the owner will select a UNIQUE stadium and then one player. ALL 4 players must be within PLUS or MINUS 20 years of the stadium, i.e. If Someone selects Royals Stadium '80 then ALL 4 Franchise players taken by that owner MUST have a card between 1960 and 2000. The 4 cards taken cannot be dropped and/or traded or changed to a different year during the entire 4 season campaign.
Once the 4 Round (Snake) draft is concluded then the first season and subsequent 3 follow on seasons will be conducted via Auto Draft in which each owner will be allowed to draft ANY 21 supplemental players from ANY era and franchise without restriction...Each owner will keep ALL 4 franchise players + UNIQUE stadium for ALL 4 seasons! The franchise players will be listed 22-25 on draft card.
NEL players will be assigned the year of 1940. Each owner that has a stadium between 1920 and 1960 will be able to draft a MAXIMUM of 1 NEL player to be included among their 4 Franchise players. All remaining NEL players will be available to ALL owners in the open 21 round Auto Draft each season.
Players before 1891 will be available to all owners in the auto draft.
Duplicate stadiums are allowed, but have to be different years.
After each season we will realign the divisions. The 4 playoff teams will be together in 1 division, then the next 4 teams with the highest records, then the final 4 teams with the lowest wins will make up the last division. This way will get 2 different teams in the playoffs each season after season 1.
A number of us have done several 4 season campaigns and it is quite fun, unique and even competitive.
Looking for owners that are willing to make an 8 month or so commitment and for the initial 4 round draft to stay on top of the draft so that we can complete it in about a week’s time. If this sounds like your cup of tea, please don't hesitate. Just copy and paste the sign up list in your response.