Wed Aug 21, 2013 9:27 am
Seems like we were promised that the manager ratings and overall records would be restored like we had in TSN. Unfortunately, it looks like we were either lied to or our new IT guys just can't figure it out. Bottom line is that some of the stalwart vets (who have been playing this online game since the early 2000s) are getting fed up with certain aspects of the new game, as well as things like manager ratings, missing 1969 game, odd Hal moves during games that didn't happen in the old TSN game, etc. A couple seasoned vets (buddies) over the last week have said they are going to hang it up.
Even the look of this new game is still cheapie looking compared to the TSN version. All of the baby blue coloring is annoying.
Where is Bernie? Bernie at least made us feel like we had an ally back in the day. I think he has been pushed into the background. Too bad.