1 Game a Night

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1 Game a Night

PostTue Mar 10, 2015 8:14 pm

Right now SOM, regardless of the league (to the best of my knowledge), plays three games a night in order to have a 162 games season in just over 7 weeks.

Would having a league where instead of three games a night only 1 is run be a good idea. I think it might be good as it allows managers to update lineups after each game for injuries and if they had double headers on Sunday you could have the league run from November thru March or April thru October.


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Re: 1 Game a Night

PostTue Mar 17, 2015 1:47 pm

My thoughts;

-We should already have our backups in place so adjusting lineups game to game for injuries is unnecessary.
-I can't imagine that it would make sense for SOM, revenue-wise. I don't think it would increase the number of teams bought annually. In fact, it would most likely reduce the average number of teams purchased per user. I know for me, as one league is ending it often triggers my starting another team. With leagues lasting longer, so too would my time between starting another team.
Last edited by prjr on Sun Mar 22, 2015 11:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

george barnard

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Re: 1 Game a Night

PostSun Mar 22, 2015 6:58 am

I say play 162 games in one night! Maybe at a reduced rate (a couple of bucks per team). Would be great for those of us who want a quick fix. Let the chips fall where they may.



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Re: 1 Game a Night

PostSun Mar 22, 2015 9:34 pm

I actually would like a quicker play 162 game season at reduced prices also--say 18 games a night then playoffs in two weeks time--mostly because I like building the teams more than playing the games--I don't get to manage the games online anyway.


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Re: 1 Game a Night

PostSun Mar 22, 2015 9:44 pm

milleram wrote:I actually would like a quicker play 162 game season at reduced prices also--say 18 games a night then playoffs in two weeks time--mostly because I like building the teams more than playing the games--I don't get to manage the games online anyway.

This makes sense. Kind of like running a SIM. Speaking of that, why isn't ATG8 available on CDROM? They could send you the added on players in separate files


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Re: 1 Game a Night

PostMon Mar 23, 2015 10:10 pm

george barnard wrote:I say play 162 games in one night! Maybe at a reduced rate (a couple of bucks per team). Would be great for those of us who want a quick fix. Let the chips fall where they may.


I love this idea. This could be done with no credits given to the winner. You could get 12 guys together and have bragging rights. Play a bunch of games and give points for 1-12. Play a 12 season season and see who comes out on top.
The msaegse is waht mttares msot!


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Re: 1 Game a Night

PostFri Mar 27, 2015 2:11 pm

We should already have our backups in place so adjusting lineups game to game for injuries is unnecessary.

I disagree.

True I can set my preferred backups. But depending who is injured I might like to adjust that. Maybe I have Pennington. I can list him as backup for multiple positions but if I have multiple players get injured which one I would want Pennington put in for might depend on who was injured and who the other bench options are. Plus if one of your backups is also listed as your DH Hal does a terrible job of making that decision. Since the player is already in the starting lineup there is no telling what Hal will do.

But just as important after the decisions have been made of who to play where there is still the decision of how to rearrange the lineup. I may have Pennington listed as backup for Mike Schmidt who is normally my cleanup hitter but I would not want Pennington slotted at cleanup.

I like the idea of having one game a night. It has merit. As to the idea of how much additional revenue might be generated that is more complicated. Changing to 1 game per night would not be a huge programming change. It is already done for playoff games. Just a question of copying that logic over to a regular season league. So minimal cost. It is quality issues like this that could heavily influence for example if I stuck around launching a team or so every week as opposed to just leaving when my current stash of credits are used up.

Some times new features are not just about the profitability of that feature, but also simply improving your product. Anyone who fails to improve their product line over time can expect at some point to start losing customers.

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