Hall of Fame player set...A & B

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Hall of Fame player set...A & B

PostSun Mar 19, 2023 9:31 pm

I was trying to get the list of the Hall of Fame baseball players for the board game. Sets A and B. It has 40 players in each set and only $5 for each. I emailed Stratomatic but havent heard back. I know its ony $5 a set but would still like to know the players. I didnt see the list on the site when you go to purchase it. Thanks.



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Re: Hall of Fame player set...A & B

PostMon Mar 20, 2023 6:44 pm

You're right that they don't list the players. Weird. However, do you realize the cards would only be for the basic game?


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Re: Hall of Fame player set...A & B

PostFri Apr 28, 2023 8:09 pm

I have them somewhere it’s a double sided standard card for each player. It’s a career card on one side and the players best season on the other. As someone who plays atg style with the cards I consider it a must own if you play basic. I unfortunately have them mixed throughout a lot of cards and wouldn’t know where to look for the list of players but i would recommend buying them.

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