Simply up down arrows like when you set you draft order. Does not work when you view via browser in a touch device (and app is completely unusable here)
Or something like that as it’s the only thing I cannot do on a phone (between mobile app and browser). Well that and the player bar graphs on smaller moble phones. I bought a new phone (small than my old one) and poof - the bar graphs were gone on the mobile app.
When I bought a new phone in this past year (my 3G phone became obsolete), I couldn't find the SOM app. So, I simply have to use the web site. I assume(d) SOM no longer offers the app (and therefore won't support it)?
I think som added this feature where you shuffle the waiver wire. Hope it works on phone. Thank you! This make joining leagues easier where you don’t have to worry about where you are for waivers. Kev