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PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 3:52 am
by Salty
"The programmers are working overtime on this matter. We have assigned a Strat-O-Matic representative, John Garcia, to address your concerns. John will monitor the boards and provide progress reports via an FAQ format. As issues come up and as problems are resolved, he will post updates in our announcement section."

I am taking this directly from Mr. Richmans letter, which we all took to be a positive development...

GENTLEMEN- Where the heck is this happening?

MANY MANY issues have come up and we have heard little/nothing; Please rectify, or you will have many angrier customers again, or maybe you won't :shock:

As of this writing: The FAQ's havent been updated since SEPTEMBER 5th- thats 3 MONTHS!!!!
What the Hell????


PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 10:28 pm
by nevdully's
I think there is confusion when we keep calling Bernie, John...Sorta like when Petrosian became The Last Druid, but many still call him Petro..I think Bernie is Bernie and John along with the three other added programmers don't really exist...sorta like Oz here...I only say that because nothing has changed from how things used to be done...things certainly aren't being done better or faster. lol