Sat Aug 30, 2014 11:11 am
Idea 1:
As is, the breakpoint for SOMO to use a "Normal RH" lineup versus a "Reverse RH" lineup is: E or more RH = Normal, 1L or more LH = Reverse.
Why not let the Owner/Manager determine the breakpoint?
That way, an owner who is scheduled to face a 1R and a 4R RHSP in the same series could set the breakpoint to 3R and choose different lineups for each SP.
Idea 2:
Expanding on Idea 1: (a) have a third lineup setting for "Balanced" pitchers with a default setting of including and between 2R and 2L (b) have the owner be able to decide the breakpoints between Normal, Balanced, and Reverse.
For example, we could set "Normal" RH to 2R and further R, "Balanced" RH to 3L-1R, and "Reverse" RH to 4L and further L.