Please change display of BPHR in bar graphs
Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 5:23 pm
The recent rollout of ballpark homers into the bar graphs has actually made it harder to read the card at a glance. That big red bar looks great, but caveat emptor, because some of those homers likely won't be homers, depending on which ballpark you are playing in.
Rather than folding BPHR numbers into a player's raw HR numbers and displaying them as if they were the same, why not instead add BPHRs to the bar graph in a different color? Tossing them in there as if they are actual homers mucks up the card-at-a-glance value that the bar graphs have (had).
Rather than folding BPHR numbers into a player's raw HR numbers and displaying them as if they were the same, why not instead add BPHRs to the bar graph in a different color? Tossing them in there as if they are actual homers mucks up the card-at-a-glance value that the bar graphs have (had).