Restricting manager experience in a league

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Restricting manager experience in a league

PostThu Apr 14, 2022 8:41 am

It would be nice to have new players be able to create an open league but have other players join who also have limited experience.


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Re: Restricting manager experience in a league

PostThu Apr 14, 2022 10:31 am

You can actually do that, but unfortunately there's no way to enforce it. For example, you could create a league, and specify in the description that only rookies and prospects are allowed... but if an experienced player wants to be a jerk and join up, I don't think there's any way to stop him.
I'd love to see some leagues like you mention. There's a steep learning curve in this game-- no matter how much you know about baseball-- and if newbies get consistently clobbered by the veteran players, they might lose interest and give up on the game entirely. And that's a bummer.


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Re: Restricting manager experience in a league

PostThu Apr 14, 2022 12:21 pm

jjii66 wrote:You can actually do that, but unfortunately there's no way to enforce it. For example, you could create a league, and specify in the description that only rookies and prospects are allowed... but if an experienced player wants to be a jerk and join up, I don't think there's any way to stop him.
I'd love to see some leagues like you mention. There's a steep learning curve in this game-- no matter how much you know about baseball-- and if newbies get consistently clobbered by the veteran players, they might lose interest and give up on the game entirely. And that's a bummer.

When I first started playing here, there was a league created called a Ring Fling, the description stated it was for newer players who had yet to win a ring. That way, one newer player was guaranteed to win a championship, playing against other relative newbies. That's where I won my first championship! When you won a ring, you had to drop out of the group and try to fill that last spot again....
You could advertise for 12 new managers who have yet to win a ring and try to fill one that way.


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Re: Restricting manager experience in a league

PostThu Apr 14, 2022 4:21 pm

I think that's a great idea. Good luck, appb1, if you decide to do it.


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Re: Restricting manager experience in a league

PostFri Apr 22, 2022 5:19 pm

The 1st team I played on-line--I did exactly that.

I created a league and asked for rookie or low experience guys--for the most part that happened, but two very experienced guys joined that league, both wound up in my division---one of them dominated the league easily, taking the ring, the other had a more than +70 run differential over my team but had bad luck and finished 3rd. I did manage an 82-80 record.

I couldn't get away from that guy all year--he joined 50% of the leagues I was in and usually was in my division, finally I finished ahead of him the last league of that season (I just drafted all his players)

In a way I'm glad it happened that way--I wouldn't have learned much in an all-rookie league.

Most people just see an auto league and join it, never bothering to look at the header notes of the league.

I think it is easier on rookies the last few seasons--rule changes have stymied a lot of the strategy of building a pitching staff--and everybody spends the same money--all you have to learn now (for the most part) is the dynamics of the park you chose and the players you put in that park.


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Re: Restricting manager experience in a league

PostFri Apr 22, 2022 9:40 pm

Can't you password private leagues?


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Re: Restricting manager experience in a league

PostFri Apr 22, 2022 10:36 pm

You can. When you create a league you are given a 5 letter PW to share. For a restricted situation like appb1 is after, the league would then need to be advertised on the boards and the PW shared via PM to those who sign up.

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