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Adding cash to trade offers

PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 11:39 am
by ratioman2
Would make trades easier.

Re: Adding cash to trade offers

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 8:08 am
by TRW
You can include dropped players in trades.

JMO, but including cash is just asking for problems. Who decides how much cash is appropriate? Would you suggest a cap on the amount of cash? For instance, if you are in a $140m league, would it be ok to do a trade with 10m or 20m cash included? I probably would not want to be in a league like that. Too much opportunity to abuse that. Especially if you are playing with newbies.

Re: Adding cash to trade offers

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 6:33 pm
by ratioman2
Yes, some deminimus amount as a cap, like 250,000.

Re: Adding cash to trade offers

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 7:54 pm
by Valen
It does not matter where you place the cap at. Trading will be just as difficult.

Say you put the cap on the cash traded at 1 mil. In an 80 mil league we still have to agree on a "fair" trade that keeps my team under 81 mil and yours under 79 mil. That's right, those trades will always have money coming from you to me because cash represents greater talent acquisition ability. And once the trade is made I will for remainder of season be working with an 81 mil cap against a league full of 80 mil teams. I like that. Minor advantage but I will take it because it would mean I was no longer playing on an even playing field relative to the rest of the league.

The amount we are allowed to transfer only controls the degree to which I can take advantage of someone and how unlevel I can make the playing field relative to the league.

And that is with the assumption that all trades are above the table. Once you add in human nature and the opportunity such a feature would provide for cheating and the game changes. Epstein goes up to Daniels and says I will give you a mil cash this league and you give me a mil cash in the next season. Fair? Guarantee it will happen.

And even if there is no collusion or obvious cheating suspicions are always aroused whenever there is a perceived uneven trade. With being able to transfer cash what do you think will be the reaction when someone sends me Mantle and 3 mil in cash for Cedeno? What if a couple days later same guy trades me Maddux and 3 mil for Larry Dierker? So now I have 86 mil in salary on my team with Mantle anchoring my offense and Maddux my pitching staff?

I understand if you put limits on the amount of cash that can transfer the discrepancies of talent would be smaller but only thing changing would be the scale. One team would be getting a clearly better return and an advantage over the rest of the league with the increased cap they get.