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Garcia's Blog XXXVI- Live Draft Update

PostPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 3:58 pm
by JohnG
Hey guys,

Today I want to let everyone know where we are regarding the live draft feature. This feature has progressed tremendously over the last few weeks and internal testing is about to begin soon. Once that is completed a small number of members from the community will then be able to test it. I have actually seen an initial layout of the draft page and it looks great so far.

The major change between our live draft and the live draft featured on The Sporting News is the ability to use a salary cap. Back on the Sporting News every player could be drafted as salary could not be taken in account. Now you must budget your team on the fly. Breakdowns for salary between hitters and pitchers will be shown throughout the draft so you know where you're spending your allotted salary cap at a quick glance.

More robust/comprehensive access to information will be available as well. This means better sorting and filtering options along with more information. In addition, All-Time Great Leagues will now have the ability to draft the year of their choice for players with more than one card. For example, all versions of Babe Ruth will be available; you are not 'stuck' with a certain year.

Lastly, this draft module had to be built completely from scratch. As such it will be much more stable than the draft module previously incorporated into the game on The Sporting News. Just as our site overall has become much more stable than it was previously, so will the live draft module.

As we get closer to final testing more information will become available on exact features and an update on when live draft will potentially become available to use. Our programmers continue to work hard on this and it is coming along.

If you have any questions on this or anything please write in to Have a great Labor Day Weekend and talk to you all next Thursday!
