Why do teams not like to trade players

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Re: Why do teams not like to trade players

PostFri Nov 18, 2016 4:24 pm

The bottom line is for any trade to occur, each owner has to get something that they want:

1) players that fix a particular problem (such as poor hitting against righties for example)

2) favorite players (i know some owners that will overpay to get particular players)

3) salary reduction (either visa vie the trade or players cut after the trade)

Best way to successfully make trades:

1) Once you identify a player(s) that you want off of a particular team, there are two positive approaches---a) see if that team has a particular weakness, and if you can offer player(s) to fix that weakness or b) find out if there are any particular players on your team that they want (though this often targets players you have no intention of trading, you can find out what they are looking for, and then again, sometimes, you can be surprised

2) Often trades don't happen because you don't have a position fit or salary fit. Don't stop there, ---see if you can get a 3rd team involved.

Trades don't happen for a lot of reasons--- the primary being that the offer only benefits the team making the offer. Many owners will only trade on perceived value, some owners don't care about value for value if they can get a particular player that they want.

We all have gotten absurd offers, that clearly make no sense what so ever. If I have time, my favorite response, is "thanks for the offer....I thought about it for a long time, and finally decided against it.....how about this"?----and you offer the same sort of absurd trade in return..... then its quiet from that quarter....


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Re: Why do teams not like to trade players

PostSun Dec 25, 2016 5:23 pm

It is hard to make trades because some people try to screw you and others just don't make trades. I offered a guy without a closer Andrew Miller ($5.42) for Jeff Manship ($4.32) straight up because I also have Wade Davis. He declined. Right now he is 43-62 with 23 saves and 20 blown saves. Manship a R2 has pitched only 38 innings with 16 saves and 8 blown saves.

Would you guys have accepted?

Impossible to answer without seeing the other guy's roster. Maybe he is a fan of Manship. Maybe when he looked for ways to clear the 1.1 mil salary cap room he was not happy with results. For your example if the salary cap hit was 20% that manage3r would have to drop a 5.5 mil player and replace him with a 4.48 mil player. That reduction in quality might very well have offset the gain he got from adding Miller.

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