Panzer Ace

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Panzer Ace

PostThu Aug 11, 2016 10:21 am

Does anyone have any knowledge of the legendary Panzer Ace? This guy fielded 101 teams with a .583 career winning percentage with 86% of his teams making the playoffs and 42% winning championships! His playoff win percentage was an even higher .589!!! His teams were better in the playoffs. Any insight into this legend?


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Re: Panzer Ace

PostWed Dec 14, 2016 7:51 pm

I know this post is dead but I recall him being a BTT80's guru. He primarily excelled in home run ballpark type teams.


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Re: Panzer Ace

PostFri Mar 17, 2017 11:54 pm

The winning % is crazy and it's mostly in the variable card games (Back to the 80s, etc.). I assume he's cracked the code and can "see" which card is in a given league for each player. If you know that in those games, you would have a ridiculous advantage.


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Re: Panzer Ace

PostFri May 12, 2017 1:08 am

He was from California, sf area if I remember. He just did the math with good hitting teams.


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Re: Panzer Ace

PostFri May 12, 2017 11:42 pm

If it was a long time ago he played, he may have realized before the masses did that you could figure out which year a player had by letting HAL set the lineups. (You can no longer do this due to changes SOM made to the mystery leagues.) Still incredible stats regardless!


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Re: Panzer Ace

PostTue Jun 06, 2017 11:40 am

I don't know about the letting HAL determine the lineup thing. It looked to me like he was just doing the math and had a formula that worked before math became popular. He was doing all the things people advise now: solid pitching, high obp, some power.

I talked with him a few times. He seemed like a really nice guy with a solid set of knowledge of players in the 80's.

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