Default rotation use

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Default rotation use

PostSun Jul 08, 2018 4:49 pm

I have a team with 2 SP* and one ok SP. My other SPs aren't very good and will be put in as needed. I will have to use the 'Per Game Starting Pitchers' link but wanted to ask a question in case I get busy and forget to set my per game SP. If I set my default rotation as - SP*1, SP*2, SP3 will my SP*1 pitch every 4 games? Or does he get bumped by a rested SP3? I tried to work it out and it seems it would go:
--- then
---- then
---- and this is where I don't know. Will it go back to SP*1 or will HAL start a rested SP3 in my next game? I would think SP*1 but figured someone with more experience may already know the answer.


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Re: Default rotation use

PostSun Jul 08, 2018 8:44 pm

If you list a guy as #1 on the Default Rotation, he will pitch whenever he is rested. So, yes, he will throw every 4th game.


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Re: Default rotation use

PostSun Jul 08, 2018 8:45 pm

Looking at the game rules, it would seem your SP*1 would be selected as long as he is listed first in your starting rotation.

Can I set both the starting rotation and the per-game rotation?
Yes. For any games in which you specified per-game starters, those starters will be used. Otherwise, the computer will manage according to your starting rotation.

Also, not to your specific situation, but here's another rule in which HAL picks out the best SP to use given the situation.

What happens if I don't set a starting rotation?
Our game engine would make its best guess at game time which starter to use, based on who's available.

Andy beat me by a minute. Great minds......


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Re: Default rotation use

PostMon Jul 09, 2018 12:19 am

You don't have to put in a full rotation in the default rotation listing.

you can go SP1*, SP2* only if you want--

or SP1*, SP2* or SP2, SP3, SP4 and leave 5 blank. even if 5th guy is an * starter (like Guasman) he will only go in the 5th spot when none of the other 4 are rested.

Hal will start pitchers by highest salaried guy that is rested if you don't have a default rotation, or in rotation spots you leave blank--if you only have five starters, listing four as above will work out in the order you want.

If you have a sixth SP (say a low priced LH specialist) you then need to use the per game listings to get him to start.


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Re: Default rotation use

PostMon Jul 09, 2018 5:00 pm

Thanks everyone.

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