Live drafts just got a boost from strat

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Live drafts just got a boost from strat

PostTue May 28, 2019 10:21 pm

There have been a couple of posts lamenting the difficulty of finding a live draft league. Strat just gave live drafts a big boost:

You may now choose from new, more casual, turn duration options of 3 hours, or no-limit turns! If drafting with 3-hour turns, you may also set the time window during which the clock is active each day, and also turn the clock off on weekends!


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Re: Live drafts just got a boost from strat

PostFri May 31, 2019 10:24 pm

While I'm not into live drafts, I hope this stimulates their use. I think SOM lost interest in us after they put all this effort into setting up live drafts, only to see them rarely get used.

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