Qustions on Computer baseball game...

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Qustions on Computer baseball game...

PostTue May 12, 2020 10:18 pm

I have been a strat-o -matic baseball board game player for 50 years. I am ready to purchase the "computer" version soon. I am needing some tips or advice on how to manage on the computer as I only have seen a few games on youtube . One of my questions is...…"when playing a position player and his stats for that year says he had, " lets say 300 at bats" the entire season." What happens if I decide to play him every game as being the "human" manager. Will the system tell him he has to rest and you can't play him? Or will the system injure him so he cant get 500 at bats or 600 at bats or more? Or it doesn't matter? Will the computer player over play a player more then he is used in the real season? Was just curious what to expect. Thanks all.



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Re: Qustions on Computer baseball game...

PostTue May 12, 2020 10:55 pm

They have two optional systems that will help prevent overuse. However, since they are optional, you don't have to use them.

Force daily injuries - If a player is overused in the computer season, this option causes him to be injured for one game. However if the player continues to be considered overused, he will keep getting those day-to-day injuries.

Throttle back "Monster" Cards - This is new for the 2020 game. Monster cards are basically players that pitched very few innings or batted against very few pitchers (usually in As-Played replays).

I recently purchased the 2020 Windows baseball game (I had an older version from many years ago). Here's the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly:

The Good: It's great for stats. When I used to play cards & dice, it was always a nightmare compiling my stats. The computer game gives you all your stats instantly. Also, it prevents making errors reading the cards. Another great thing is that you can play a season managing one team's games and let the computer play the rest of the league's games. (It only takes a few seconds for the computer to simulate a single day worth of games.)

The Bad: The game is complicated if you want to do anything custom or online. It comes with a "quick-start" guide that's 20 pages of small-font text!

The Ugly: Their anti-piracy system is draconian. You can only play the game on one computer. Good luck if that computer dies.

Still, if you want to manage a team for an entire season, it's the way to go.


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Re: Qustions on Computer baseball game...

PostTue May 12, 2020 11:23 pm

Great info coyote. I like the system that is more realistic...like you said it will prevent overuse if you choose that option. Do you know if the strat o matic computer game takes up a lot of space on a computer? don't want my computer running slow because of downloading it.


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Re: Qustions on Computer baseball game...

PostThu May 14, 2020 3:39 am

jack300 wrote:...Do you know if the strat o matic computer game takes up a lot of space on a computer? don't want my computer running slow because of downloading it.

All its files total less than a gigabyte (~900 megabytes). Unless your hard drive is almost full, it shouldn't affect your computer's performance.

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