Why do teams not like to trade players

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Why do teams not like to trade players

PostWed Jun 01, 2016 8:46 am

I have a question....why do you (universal you, that is) not want to trade players when you are 30 games out with about 40 games to play. I am a game out of a playoff spot and have offered a couple of guys pretty fair trades (in my opinion of course) yet they seem to have no interest in making a trade. They are teams who are very close to being mathematically eliminated with a quarter of the season to go. I haven't been rude or a jerk to anyone in my division so I don't think its personal.....any thoughts on this? Thanks.


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Re: Why do teams not like to trade players

PostWed Jun 01, 2016 4:46 pm

Well, usually there isn't the "this trade can help me next season" deal, because there's usually not a next season. And some guys probably lose interest in that particular season when they are out of the running.


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Re: Why do teams not like to trade players

PostWed Jun 01, 2016 4:50 pm

andycummings65 wrote:Well, usually there isn't the "this trade can help me next season" deal, because there's usually not a next season. And some guys probably lose interest in that particular season when they are out of the running.

Exactly. There is nothing in it for the team that is out of the running.
Additionally, if you're out of it and help another team win , or effect the outcome of the race, you're kind of in the grey area as to what constitutes collusion (at least in my opinion)


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Re: Why do teams not like to trade players

PostWed Jun 01, 2016 6:26 pm

I find it very difficult to trade--most times it just doesn't benefit both teams

The best teams to trade with are teams that have a shot--if two wild card contenders can make a trade that helps them both, that is the best way to do it----when someone has a player that I want to trade for, first thing I do is look at the standings--if they are way ahead, or way behind I don't bother trying--if they fit in the maybe category, then I look at my roster to see if I have someone that can help the other team---if you don't offer someone that can help him, why should he consider it???

I have played 20xx four years now, and only made two in-season trades, one I offered and one offered to me--both times one was in a RH leaning park, and the other in a LH leaning park and the players fit the park better with the trade

Then with salary considerations a deal is difficult anyway.


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Re: Why do teams not like to trade players

PostWed Jun 01, 2016 10:03 pm

My problem was I had Dawson who cant play anything but cf and I have a 1 cf who is playing great and I didn't want Dawson playing rf as a 4......so I wanted to trade him for a lf or rf who was a 2 and left handed......the guy I was trading him to had a cf hitting 207 and was a 4......I thought it was a fair trade and the stats for the season were very comparable. I guess the gist of it is that I wasn't trying to get over on anybody and it really was a fair trade......I guess just something else to learn about


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Re: Why do teams not like to trade players

PostThu Jun 02, 2016 10:56 am

I find it very difficult to trade--most times it just doesn't benefit both teams

The best teams to trade with are teams that have a shot--if two wild card contenders can make a trade that helps them both, that is the best way to do it----when someone has a player that I want to trade for, first thing I do is look at the standings--if they are way ahead, or way behind I don't bother trying--if they fit in the maybe category, then I look at my roster to see if I have someone that can help the other team---if you don't offer someone that can help him, why should he consider it???

I have played 20xx four years now, and only made two in-season trades, one I offered and one offered to me--both times one was in a RH leaning park, and the other in a LH leaning park and the players fit the park better with the trade

Then with salary considerations a deal is difficult anyway.

Milleram nailed it. Your trade options are really limited to teams in other divisions who have a chance of competing. We pulled off a three way trade in last years ATG Barnstormers Championship that improved each of the three teams http://365.strat-o-matic.com/league/429082, but completing that trade took real work. In order to make the money work we ended up swapping 24 players between three teams: http://365.strat-o-matic.com/league/transaction/10950521 and http://365.strat-o-matic.com/league/transaction/10949811. I don't think this kind of trade is really possible except in the rarest of circumstances.



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Re: Why do teams not like to trade players

PostSun Jun 05, 2016 1:04 am

Here's why I rarely make a trade in a regular league:

1. If I have a player on my team, it's probably because I wanted him on my team. In other words, I felt he was the best choice for the price when I drafted him. So, the odds of you offering a player that I want more is slim.

2. The trade offer makes no sense for my team. This doesn't sound like the case with the OP, but I would say half of the trades offered to me are horrible.

3. I sometimes spend a fair amount of time trying to come up with a trade that works within both teams salary caps and make sense for both teams. Almost always my trade gets rejected. I don't fault the opposing manager for turning down my offer. Just because a trade is "fair" doesn't mean the other manager will want to accept (see point 1). So, after awhile, you tend to give up spending much time making offers.

4. Trying to negotiate trades through in-game communications is cumbersome.

If someone takes the time to offer me a reasonable trade, I'll at least reply with the reason for why I turned it down. (Often it's just a case of "I really like so-and-so; he's not for trade.) If it's a very reasonable offer, I also thank the other manager for spending the time for coming up with the offer.

I was far more likely to make a trade in the (mystery card) keeper leagues I used to play in. In these leagues you carry over three players each season and draft another one before the new season starts. Such leagues lend themselves well for trading between seasons. If you like mystery card games and like trading, this might be the league for you! Keep an eye out on the 60s,70s,80s,90s Forum for an opening.

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Re: Why do teams not like to trade players

PostThu Jun 09, 2016 4:25 pm

If you want a league to make a lot of trades in I would join a Franchise League where you only get to choose players from a specific team. I joined a 24 team league of Franchise only and traded more than I ever have because we weren't allowed to pick up free agents from other teams.


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Re: Why do teams not like to trade players

PostThu Aug 25, 2016 9:45 pm

The majority of the trade offers I get seem to assume that I'm a dunderhead or...they offer something I have no use for in exchange for one of my top 3 draft picks....I only agreed to two trades and both times my teams plummeted from playoff spots to out if and they dropped...FAST..I mean REALLY Fast...it was mind numbing both times so I'll never do a trade again.


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Re: Why do teams not like to trade players

PostMon Aug 29, 2016 5:10 pm

It is hard to make trades because some people try to screw you and others just don't make trades. I offered a guy without a closer Andrew Miller ($5.42) for Jeff Manship ($4.32) straight up because I also have Wade Davis. He declined. Right now he is 43-62 with 23 saves and 20 blown saves. Manship a R2 has pitched only 38 innings with 16 saves and 8 blown saves.

Would you guys have accepted?

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