Injuries Exceeding Roster Size?

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Injuries Exceeding Roster Size?

PostTue Dec 10, 2013 12:51 am

I'm trying a new strategy. I thought an exceptionally injury-prone squad might be fun, so I've fielded a crew consisting of all injury 5s and 6s (where desperate, I "allowed" a couple of injury 4s).

Well, after my first 3-game series, all 3 of my starting OFers are gone for the next two series. HAL has done fine so far, replacing the beleaguered with my bench guys. But I have only 14 hitters (so only 2 reserves left now!) and am curious as to what would happen if I get 3 more injuries this series and therefore end up with only 8 position players. Has this ever happened to anyone or do you know how HAL will handle it? Will pitchers play the field and be given their corresponding batter cards (even though I'm in a DH league)? Or will I forfeit? Or...does the game code simply not allow me to get another injury if it would push me to only 8 position players?

So curious to hear responses-- thanks!!

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